Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Folks, this is a mighty feather in the cap of a Prophet.

I like the one by Orson Hyde at the end.  He was a prophet in his own right and was known as "the prophet to the Prophet (Brigham Young)".

This is one gift I would aspire to greatly.  We will need it in the coming days:

A month following the artillery rounds fired at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, signaling the start to the Civil War, the Philadelphia Sunday Mercury remarked, "We have in our possession a pamphlet, published at Liverpool, in 1851, containing a selection from the ‘revelations, translations and narrations’ of Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism.” Citing what is now Doctrine and Covenants 87, the paper continued, “The following prophecy is here said to have been made by Smith, on the 25th of December, 1832. In view of our present troubles, this prediction seems to be in progress of fulfillment, whether Joe Smith was a humbug or not.” Though early in the war’s advancement, the paper nevertheless speculated about the prophecy, concluding, “The war began in South Carolina. Insurrections of slaves are already dreaded. Famine will certainly afflict some Southern communities. The interference of Great Britain, on account of the want of cotton, is not improbable, if the war is protracted. In the meantime, a general war in Europe appears to be imminent. Have we not had a prophet among us?' Philadelphia Sunday Mercury, May 5, 1861

In Joseph’s own day, however, in consequence of the information received in section 87, he was commanded by the Lord to write a warning letter to the nation. This he did ten days after receiving section 87. His letter, to a Mr. N. E. Seaton (or, possibly, Sexton) was sent to Rochester, New York, and published in Seaton’s newspaper there. Moreover, Joseph exhorted other persons in his own lifetime to warn their friends and relatives in South Carolina to repent and to flee the carnage that was coming to that area. For example, Wilford Woodruff’s journal for December 30, 1860, records the following: “Brother Emmett Murphy preached in the morning and gave an account of his receiving the gospel, his gathering to Missouri, his visit to Joseph in Prison, [and] the advice of Joseph the Prophet to him to go to South Carolina and Georgia and warn his friends of the wrath and desolation that the people in that land [would suffer] and to gather out his friends to Zion, for the wars and rebellion would begin in South Carolina” (cited in Woodford’s Historical Development, 2:1108).http://ldscleardoctrine.com/Doctrine-an ... ion-87.php

After we had again established ourselves in a new country, and built up a beautiful city, and when all was peaceful and prosperity attending us, this same Prophet, on assembling the Elders of this Church on a certain occasion at Nauvoo, told us that we would have to flee to the Rocky Mountains for safety. The fulfillment of this prediction is apparent to all. I might mention scores of others, and in no instance has that man uttered a single prophecy that either has not already been fulfilled, to the very letter, or will not have its fulfillment in the due time of the Lord.
I will mention another prophecy, which was printed in several languages, and published among the various nations in whose languages it was printed, which was twenty-eight years reaching its fulfillment. The Lord revealed to the Prophet, Joseph Smith, that there would be a great rebellion between the Northern and Southern States, commencing in the State of South Carolina, and that it should terminate in the death and misery of many souls. This, as you all know, has been literally fulfilled. When I was a boy, I traveled extensively in the United States and the Canadas, preaching this restored Gospel. I had a manuscript copy of this revelation, which I carried in my pocket, and I was in the habit of reading it to the people among whom I traveled and preached. As a general thing the people regarded it as the height of nonsense, saying the Union was too strong to be broken; and I, they said, was led away, the victim of an impostor. Discourse by Elder Orson Pratt, delivered in the New Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, Aug. 26, 1876.

Joseph Smith later prophesied that the coming war would devastate Jackson County, Missouri, for its persecution of the saints so that “the fields and farms and houses will be destroyed, and only the chimneys will be left to mark the desolation” (Grey, “Joseph Smith and the Civil War,” 20; compare Webb, Battles and Biographies of Missourians, 5; Howard, Illinois, 298). This prophecy was fulfilled in every horrible detailhttp://ldscleardoctrine.com/Doctrine-an ... on-87.php.

In a letter from Mr. A. Saxey of Spanish Fork, Utah to Mr. Junius Wells treating further of the fulfillment of this prophecy, so well attested, Mr. Saxey under date of August 25, 1902 says:

"In the spring of 1862 my regiment went south, and it was during that time that "Order No. 11" was issued, but I was back there again in 1864, during the Price raid, and saw the condition of the country. The duty of executing the order was committed to Colossians W. R. Penick's regiment, and there is no doubt but that he carried it into effect, from the howl the copperhead papers made at the time. I went down the Blue river, we found houses, barns, outbuildings, nearly all burned down, and nothing left standing but the chimneys which had, according to the fashion of the time, been built on the outside of the buildings. I remember very well that the country looked a veritable desolation."
Missouri's problems began not long after the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith.
The Civil War came early to Missouri and Kansas(about ten years before the civil war began, this border war began) stayed late, and was characterized at all times by unremitting and unparalleled brutality. More than anywhere else, it was truly a civil war. Bowen Kerrihard March 1999 issue of America’s Civil War.

The undeclared Kansas-Missouri border war that raged in the 1850shttp://www.historynet.com/americas-civi ... kansas.htm

Here is more info. on the infamous Order No. 11http://www.civilwaronthewesternborder.o ... rder-no-11

Doctrine and Covenants Section 87:3 For behold, the Southern States shall be divided against the Northern States, and the Southern States will call on other nations, even the nation of Great Britain, as it is called, and they shall also call upon other nations, in order to defend themselves against other nations; and then war shall be poured out upon all nations.

Notice "...even the nation of Great Britain, as it is called...shall also call upon other nations, in order to defend themselves against other nations". How very prophetic, Great Britain was not at war in 1832. They would not see a major war for more than seventy more years. Ever hear of "Rule, Britannia!"? In 1832 Britannia still ruled the waves, throughout the world. Although the American Colonists had miraculously sent them packing, they still also had an empire which they say the sun never sat on. They had a fearsome army as well. What an amazing prophesy that they would need to call upon other nations for defense.

Now, take a look at this. I have seen an original copy. Orson Hyde speaks of the twentieth century. In May 1862, at the beginning of the Civil War, in correlation with Joseph Smith's prophecy on Civil War, Orson Hyde, the apostle who dedicated the land of Palestine for the return of the Jews, made a startling prediction which has been literally fulfilled in the next century. He stated: "You have scarcely yet read the preface of your national troubles. Many nations will be drawn into the American maelstrom that now whirls through the land; and after many days, when the demon of war shall have exhausted his strength and madness upon American soil, by the destruction of all that can court or provoke opposition, excite cupidity, inspire revenge, or feed ambition, he will remove his headquarters to the banks of the Rhine.” (Orson Hyde, Millennial Star XXIV, p 274. May 1862.)

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