Friday, March 27, 2020


I do not post this to get anyone in trouble or to cause alarm.  I honestly hope that someone sees this and were somehow able to thwart this attack by upping the game or searching for and detecting this thing.  It was about a 100 kton device (similar in size to the WWII atomic bombs).  My assumption is that it was planted beforehand, and did not come in via air like the one that hits Great Falls, MT will (that my native Cardston friends have seen).

The view of this event was vivid and the dream happened within a couple of days of the mid-point of the A/C back in March 22, 2013 when Obummer ascended Temple Mount, caused the sacrifice to cease and so much else (there is obvious dualism in this as the biologic released by whomever the A/C is, has also caused the sacrifice to cease due to the biologic shutting down our temples).

We are being given all the signs in full manifestation!

Here is the dream from 3/24/2013:

On a related matter (nightmares), I was forced out of bed this morning just a few hours after going to sleep to go for a sudden potty break.  I never have to go so suddenly and so soon in the night (I know TMI), but I always make a point to remember what I was dreaming about when woken abruptly from my sleep - ever since the night my kid died and I was blessed with that dream of comfort.
Last night, I dreamed that the nuke in Northern Utah (Ogden) had gone off and that the new Ogden Temple was not completed at that point.  I remember they were just pulling the large articulated lifts off the site (major construction of shell was completed) and that there were just details to wrap up such as interior walls, trim, etc.  I was so tired after taking care of business that I neglected to write things down - but did manage to think of it when I woke up.
Come to think of it, I am going to the construction cam right now to assess where the construction is at:
Holy smokes!  Its about 6-12 months from that point.  I am not saying it was prophetic as I did not have an overwhelming burning within of the Spirit during the dream.  But, I was forced to wake up and have a distinct remembrance of it.
On a side note, I also woke up later after witnessing (in a later dream) two large hawks harassing the chickens and one nearly successfully making off with our Aruacana hens.  If we are short one beak during bed down, then Ogden finally gets nuked and Red Dawn is under way for real in a few short month's time.....  Pray for the chickens.....

UPDATE 27-MAR-2020  On a side note, the chickens were attacked, specifically those two Aruacana hens.  One carried off, the other injured with six talon marks between her wings, but lived for two weeks before succumbing to her injuries.  I was on pins and needles during the construction because I saw the temple in a state of construction.  After the dedication (and the lifts were gone), I was kind of baffled about what I saw and what I construed as to the timing of the event.  I think part of it was literal.  Part of it was just indicating that it was related to things as they are and as the policies laid out by Obama, would cause war to be poured out upon all nations.  This includes the Arab uprising, the Ukrainian mess and so much else.

Again to re-iterate that, when you have an inspired dream, immediately get on your knees and pray for the interpretation thereof (Joseph Smith's instructions).  When that interpretation is given, you may know that it is of God.  In this instance, it worked for me.

1 comment:

  1. Ogden temple scaffolding update.
    My wife has a friend whose daughter is getting married in the Ogden Temple. Her daughter was advised by Ogden temple to get the Bridal Pictures sooner than latter because scaffolds will be put up around the Ogden Temple. I checked the Ogden temple website for any indication for limited operation or extensive closed periods.

    Sunday, 29 August 2021 - Monday, 11 October 2021 (Limited Operations)
    Monday, 6 September 2021 - Monday, 20 September 2021
