Sunday, February 23, 2020


My Jewish friend talked about this:

This is quite a great collection.


  1. When I used to read the news paper, I was amazed at how wacky some of the BYU professors comments were as found in the Opinion section. They epitomize evil being seen as good and good as evil.

    I am to say the least, very disturbed by how far the leadership of the church has permitted this get out of control, Not just at BYU. There has been too much bending to the world. It is not evil speaking of the Lords anointed, to speak truth without vindictiveness. I view it objectively as though I don't have a dog in this fight.

    It does rub me a little raw when they no longer speak of their support of precepts found in the US Constitution and those truths associated with it. The US Constitution is for every people, designed to deal with containing baser human nature, that never changes.
    To ignore these things only reinforces socialism, and it's dear friend communism in the minds of the members. So many have been deceived. You can make excuses all the day long, to say nothing, is still deception.

    No doubt, some day this church will be brought up to the snubbing post, members and leadership, as John Koyle has stated. I am not a GA worshiper, they are just men and are not all knowing Gods, who are very capable and fallible. They are still God's anointed on earth and they are his problem, not mine or yours, we have the truths to guide us. Their deficiencies have nothing to do with the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Having listed the qualifiers. I must struggle to convince family members of the truths the Founders of this country had established are being torn down and I do not have the Church to back me up and they drift to the ideas of the mainstream.

    I think of the prophet Eli who was too permissive of his sons taking of the best of the sacrifices and committing adultery with the women serving at the sanctuary's entrance.
    The Arc was eventually lost, for a period of time, during a battle with the Philistines and Eli's sons were killed. Eli fell over and died when he received the news.

    The article is correct, that to not rectify permissive behavior at BYU can only more greatly demoralize and compromise the commitment of the members to the truths of the Gospel.

  2. Perfect timing. Moses had that experience after 40 days on the mountain. 40 days left til General Conference!
