Friday, November 29, 2019


Folks, she was a prophetess for our time who lived it in her time and sent the warning forward to our

1 comment:

  1. Ayn grew up under communism and knew the drill.
    We live under constant threats to our peace and security. A good example is the tax structure, so many rules and miss any of them you are under a threat to loose property.
    So many laws are being enacted buy our state and federal government that we are likely breaking any number of laws without knowing it.

    I was driving through downtown SLC and was pulled over because the sticker on my license plate had expired and was informed that the police had the right to tow my car if I did not have it renewed. I knew that, but had not received a license renewal in the mail and had skipped my mind. The point is, that there are a pack of useless scum bags even in our own state government with nothing better to do but threaten peoples property in so many ways. Viva La Revolucion
