Wednesday, August 14, 2019


I am simply clueless when it comes to complex economics - but this guy appears to have tough answers for the existing problems including the inverted yield curve:

Raising interest rates is the only way out.  He says doing so would kill the stock market.  Everyone is worshiping that beast....

1 comment:

  1. Joel Skousen's story line is that the Deep State, Gads, Globalists, et al, these same money people are floating the economy until the right time to bring the people under subjugation. This will not likely happen until China and Russia are prepared to invade us for the take over. This is part of the plan the Western Gads have to subjugate and compel the people to join their army to resist the invasion.

    I have not emailed Joel, but by the things Iv'e heard him say, he would have very little interest in paying any attention to dreams, NDE's and visions of people we are aware of. He looks at this by the facts and the way the Spirit works with him. A different perspective with the near same end results.
