Thursday, July 4, 2019


There are so many out there trying to re-write history (including the apostates working against the Church, Joseph Smith, etc) - but you cannot refute the facts.

As the US Ambassador to Jerusalem says in this video:  "You can have your own opinions - but you cannot have your own facts".  As the ancient Prophets used to say, those mired in sin basically have created a delusion of false opinions in the hopes that they can justify their existence in sin and outside of God's commands.

Once the scales of darkness come down (through humility and repentance), then the person can once again make forward progress.  I know from personal experience, that this is the case.  The only way forward is through true repentance.  I established this as a youth and have not looked back.  In fact, I understand personal weakness - I am a very weak person - but I do not understand the need to persist in sin.  The only way to obtain true happiness is through the shedding of personal sin and throwing off those weighty shackles that bear us down.

Many of the people who are fighting against chastity are doing so because they have given up.  They feel the fight is too hard, too long, too wearying.  This, I do NOT understand.  I am a fighter - and simply will not give up, no matter the odds.  Failure is not an option.  The war in heaven has become a mortal battle.  The fact that we are here at this time in history says that we were all principles in the pre-mortal battles.  If we did not give up then, why would we give up now in the heat of the battle??

It will yet get more withering - as our leaders are telling us - and I believe it.  So, we need to armor up and step in for the final blows (picture the last few days of Mormon's life).  In the end, the Lord wins and righteousness triumphs - but not until some serious blows have been delivered.

Folks - these are exciting times to be alive!

The temple in Jerusalem will be built here shortly!

Here is the video that got me spun up:


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