Monday, June 24, 2019


So, folks I had to endure what is a liberal instructor telling me in EQ yesterday that he was in an adjacent large town and the gay pride (hedonist) festival was going on while he was shopping there.  He reminded us that their sins in no way affected me or mine so I should just ignore their antics....

I sat there for some time in conflict trying to decide whether to remind him that the hurt was about to be put to us and that this was the reason that our church just changed our policy in N.A. to marry separately and then seal in the House of the Lord in a separate "transaction", so the militant gay lobby cannot shut us down for not being inclusive (just as they said they never would, but have done with the Scouts and so many other scenarios).  Truly, satan's agenda is just one step behind the Lord's....

I have ZERO problem with someone else's sin - until it crosses mine.  Someone else's anger problem is none of my worry until it causes them to murder me or mine - or cut me off in traffic and smash the sedan up.  Someone else's problem with the Law of Chastity is no concern to me, unless it causes them to rape me or mine or accuse someone I hold dear of adultery (when they likely have improperly resolved sexual sin).  Someone else's gay practices are to be resolved between them and the Lord - until they try and force me to accept and believe in their agenda.  Then I come out both barrels a blazin'....  Sorry if you disagree - but I am not into force or coercion....

And we all know that it is just a matter of time before it appears they are winning - until the fire comes and takes care of the same problem that the water took care of previously....

Make me wonder that, when this situation rises again at the end of the Millennium, if their symbol will be a fiery rainbow to "celebrate" the manner in which they were dispatched with the previous two times....  But, that whole flood story as well as the fiery brimstone of Sodom is all just "fairy tales and innuendo", so let's just carry on in the ways of debauchery until it is all lit up once again; thus proving that we were always on the right side of that coin..... NOT.

So, yeah.

Yesterday, I was walking to church and I saw two very proud and butch gals holding hands and walking down the sidewalk between the temple and the chapel here in Cardston.  I noticed them walking hand in hand two hours later.  When I reported it to my wife, my daughter mentioned that they were in the Visitor's Center of the temple during the second hour, I got the picture.  Likely, they were out on pride patrol baiting to see if someone would call them out.  Generally, I would not jump to that conclusion - but the timing and locations (two hours in the same 100 yard vicinity).

So knowing what is coming, I have to say my paranoia is a little piqued.....

Folks, they will put the screws to us until we are not openly worshipping.  We will not recriminate openly.  We will allow them to put us under their feet until justice can be sent from a loving God who will tolerate the persecution of the Saints no more.  It is all part of our perfecting and part of the sifting process that has been talked about since the first separation when the ark was closed up of the Lord.

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