Thursday, February 14, 2019


I have listened to Mike Stroud a few times and liked what he had to say, so long as he did not throw support for Denver Snuffer.  I have gotten quite upset over the whole DS mess.  He did a lot of damage in the Church - and many good people fell.

Basically, I am just staying away from people who are stepping out.  I am sticking with the scriptures.  The basics.....

Sad day for many people. 

If you can see his podcasts, the link to the announcement should be there.


  1. Wow, that's interesting. I didn't see him as the type to object to corrective measures. Sad day indeed.

  2. Mike Stroud absolutely threw support for Denver Snuffer. He said quote:
    “I have read all of Denver’s material. I have learned much from what he has said. Denver has set his course on a path that he is pursuing. Time will tell where it leads. I gather information from whatever source I can, and then seek to discern through the Holy Spirit if it is truth or error. (Comment on Podcast 014: Unbelief Revisited/Priesthood Introduction)

    “And that began my quest for all of these things. That doctrine opened up other doctrines, things that lead up to– there are certain things that have to take place prior to you obtaining this great blessing, and I learned about those. And one door after it opened and it seemed like as soon as that door was open that the Lord sent information to Margie and I that we’d never received before. It just seemed to flow to us. And one thing came after another thing, and after another thing, and we started to experience things. We started to have great experiences, spiritual experiences, great pearls that came our way, and it all started because some guy that lives in Sandy, Utah, wrote a book and in it testified that he had seen Christ… (Podcast 014: Unbelief Revisited/Priesthood Introduction, about 49:36)

    When someone asked him if he thought Snuffer was an Apostate he said
