Thursday, February 21, 2019


This is interesting in light of what I believe they have already done when it comes to bio-warfare and biowarfare resistance (for their troops, etc who come here once the biologics have been unleashed on America).

I apologize to no one really when I say that I do not trust the Chinese government.  Anyone who has a 200 year plan should not be trusted, in my opinion.  They have designs.  Maybe I am just a simple person....:

If you have no guile, you simply just take care of what the Spirit dictates and do not plot nor plan nor see how you can gain advantage over another.  You just do what is best for you and yours.  I mean it has always blown me away with these "liberated" women who are gold diggers and plot how they can take down the man for his wealth.  Who would do that?   I mean, really??? 

This is Cain-level collusion.  These are psychopathic or sociopathic people.  A woman who would seduce a man and then get pregnant to entrap him in a relationship.  That is messed up to the extreme.  Yet, I know many who have taken both of these routes.  Just plain evil.  They cannot be trusted - and I have always run from them when my rather unrefined detector finally goes off.

Having "a plan" is not part of God's economy.  Plotting, extortion, subterfuge are all constructs of the devil.  This kind of thing left my dad in the poor house.  Apparently, the guy who stole his retirement income was a former counselor in a SP in Florida.  A shark.  Pretty sure his plan all along was to fleece my dad.  Subterfuge and plotting.  Wolves in sheep's clothing.  My dad, to his (non) credit, talked many people into business deals that really had no chance of making it in reality.  He tried several times to get me on board with some hair-brained idea.  I always said, show me the data on this scheme and I may throw some money at it.  I think his problem was unbridled enthusiasm not necessarily grounded in reality.  My dad was a dreamer and inventor type; and those types are often not rooted in reality.  They have to be, in order to keep their dream alive and eventually arrive at the impossible (think a lesser version of Nicola Tesla, Elon Musk, etc).

Anyway, yes the Chinese have a plan.  The Japanese had an ambitious plan for subterfuge and they were supposedly able to pull off quite the surprise blow to the USA.  I do not think like this on the micro scale, nor on the macro scale.  I would stink at war, business and so much else.  They estimate that about 80% of the big fish in the business world are psychopathic - because it takes one to screw over the other guy to get the advantage.  If you think of all the nice people you know and trust, they rarely are the ones in positions of power - because those types are sifted out and do not float to the surface of the cess pool.  Even Trump likely falls in this category.

So, when we come face to face with these types (Chinese and others who are here to rape and pillage), we have two options.  It will be to fight and try and outsmart them (likely not possible), or to submit and let God fight our battles.  Likely, the best option will be the latter.  Thus, the meek shall inherit the earth.  Those who submit their wills to, and have faith in God, will rise to the top.

The spiritually fit will survive what is coming.  Those who are contentious and proud will burn as stubble.  The sifting is already happening.  I have a friend from Montana who is going through a bout of pride and may end up bringing her entire family down, if she does not humbly repent.  Life is a dance on the knife's edge.

1 comment:

  1. Gene splicing, I would bet, is not limited to the Chinese. The o ly difference is that they thumb their noses at the bio"ethics" law that all the other countries pretend to adhere to.
    Looking at the latest iphone, do you really think it's the best apple can create? Or is the company leaps and bounds ahead of where we think they are? I'd wager the same can be said of any bio-genetic research going on. I mean look at how amazing the movie trend we are being plied with is. I don't know about you, but seeing Captain America go in a 90lbs weakli g, and coming out a super soldier sure filled me with a parti ular longing.
    Heck-I have always been a big fan of supplementing my diet for health and fitness to great effect, and now even use specific peptides to speed recovery, and strength. The challenge is discerning the best course to having a body and mind that is as healthy as you can get it(a healthy mind helps one hear the Spirit) despite those in secret chambers tempting you with treats and energy drinks.
