Saturday, January 5, 2019


This would make a good study primer for those who want to dig into first vs second coming topics:

My wife and I were able to take in a second endowment session this week together today.  It was great.  I was able to answer her questions in the chapel before the session and we each had a few more after in the Celestial Room.  We are convinced that we just shifted it into second gear as a Church and our progression towards terrestrial living.  I did my usual prayer and opened the BoM up in the Chapel so the Lord could teach me.

I was shown the scripture in 3rd Nephi where the Lord basically said that the lower law was done away when He came.  Folks, we just dumped all the telestial stuff and walked into the terrestrial mode.

I have had a few Snufferites/spirits of anti-Christs show up and start pumping comments on the blog.  We could argue til we are blue in the face.  I have clearly stated I tire of apostates and those with apostate spirits.  Humble yourselves, repent and get back on track already....  We could throw slander all over the place at the Brethren, this leader, that leader, etc etc.  FACT IS THIS:  I have personally tangled with Ed Decker and Tal Bachman and other apostates or people who are actively criticizing the Brethren.  I have studied the Snufferite movement and am still sore at a few good people that trainwreck brought down.  I understand clearly what happened to WW Phelps, Martin Harris and many others who were "wiser" than those with the keys to the kingdom.  You know what they all have in common?  They are much worse off today than when they decided to jump over the gunwhales and go for a mid-cruise swim off the decks of the Good Ship Zion.  Folks - y'all gotta pull the stick out of yer butts and realize that you are not smarter than the collective wisdom and direction of the majority of the 12 and the anointed Prophet.  Seriously - get over yourselves.....

By yer fruits, I can see right through the lot of you.  Tal, a personal acquaintance that I grew up with was openly criticizing the anointed ones while going sideways on the Law of Chastity.  He threw away a wonderful wife and 8 kids.  He will never be able to side-step his responsibility in the fall of that family unit.

It is always that damning law - when people again think they can just step to the side of it and do their own thing.  Sorry, folks.  There is no wiggle room there.  It is pretty cut and dried.  If you think it is not, enjoy the feeling of the bloodied toes as you kick against those thorns.....  Stupid, stupid, stupid.....  Does not work.  There is a reason that the Law of Chastity is the gate to the Celestial Kingdom.  If you think you can do your own thing - you are barred and damned unless you bend the knee and confess that God's ways are greater than yours.

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