Here is my response to this woman who is, unfortunately, on the road to PC bliss and complete apostasy. If you love someone, correct them.....:
I think that Dallin H. Oaks is quite compassionate for those who may fall victim to the confusion that is being sown out there by those who have an evil agenda. Some people ARE born with both kinds of bits and they DO have to prune some off and make a decision. That is a horrible trial to overcome in this life. I think God will reward them openly for having to have borne that cross. HOWEVER, there is an entire faction of that subset who seeks to overthrow the Kingdom including speaking against the Lord's anointed. They seek to push the Church into a corner and try and impinge on the Lord's definition of marriage - which is one man, one woman. Period. They seek to make a mockery of the highest ordinance under heaven. To those, I would condemn gladly to hell - and so would Jesus. I have no sympathy, nor compassion for them. Nothing but contempt - and I would drive them out of the temple or any other sacred place where they seek to make a mockery of God and His ways. Bruce Jenner never was a woman. No woman beats the Russians and East Germans in a decathlon (arguably, the greatest test of athleticism in the world), and then suddenly decides they are a woman. THAT is demonic possession. My wife's cousin, who was an LA County deputy Sheriff, suddenly decided one day to start cross-dressing and become a woman and have the tax-payers foot the bill. He is no more a woman than I am a unicorn. aye, a pink unicorn.... My wife had to cut off all contact with him because he was so perverse even on a public forum about his exploits in the women's bathrooms, etc. A completely perverse individual. I have seen mental illness and demonic possession. Largely, transgenderism falls into that spectrum of disorders. Can someone come out of it? YES, there is repentance. Can someone repent of calling the Lord's anointed out for clearly stating the Lord's position on a matter? Yes, they can. Hope this was not too direct.
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