Thursday, June 14, 2018


I had a thought recently.

We had the surge in missionary work (and it is still going on).  I think this will curb naturally as the "glut" makes it's way thru the system and then the naturally dangerous world will cause many missions to shut down for various reasons (Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, etc).  Let's face it - the Holy Ghost is being taken from among the nations - we are entering a brazen, depraved and more dangerous world where the gads and cartels will rule their fiefdoms for a time....

Now we are entering a phase of gathering and specifically talking about the 12 Tribes.  Why is that?  Because I think the next big thing is ten of them coming from the north and Judah being gathered back in a big way (as big as Post-WWII) to her ancestral home.

This is just a hunch.

President Nelson going over each of the 12 tribes at our Regional Fireside on Sunday just seemed to strike a chord with me.  I taught the 8 year olds on Sunday about the crossing over by Moses and how that will handily be eclipsed by the return of the 10 tribes to this land, and then theirs.  They will fill the plains where Missouri used to be.

I guess my wife has never team taught with me before and she was enthralled with my energy drawing this whole scenario out on the board.  I tend to get excited about the stuff that I am intensely excited about.  This is one of those things....

Interestingly, we were talking about the staff of Moses (my daughter found me her alder stick that she used to practice her javelin throwing skills with) and a kid who is on the autism spectrum disorder piped up and said that the staff was a branch off the tree of life without really being prompted along those lines.  I just about choked on my gum....  From the mouth of babes....

Here is more on that very Staff of Aaron from an earlier blog piece:


1 comment:

  1. As a convert to the Church long ago in my teens, I was lucky enough to experience Pres. Kimball as prophet.

    He had a profound love for the Lamanites, much like Joseph had. He did everything possible to evidence brotherhood to them. He had more success with the people of New Mexico and Arizona.

    I've always been bewildered by the saints feigning their appreciation for the 10 tribes when a residue of that population dwells in our midst.

    It is true that the northern Lamanites were and are more fierce than their southern brothers and the Samoan and Islands people (Tonga, etc).

    Saints in southern AB too often only identify Lamanites as drug/alcohol addicted, homeless people.

    I have six grandsons of Lamanites extraction in So AB. The two oldest amaze me reciting their dreams and visions of the roles they will play amid their associates with the family of Israel.

    I have had many tearful and sleepless nights about these boys, and their extended family. I was fortunate in being a Relief Society president/missionary among a Lamanites Branch seasons ago.

    Please, if anyone is awaiting the 10 tribes, start closer to home to pray for them, support them and value them like Joseph did.

    If you can locate an older BofM, read the introductory paragraph that tells us, as Gentiles that the BofM is only given to us so that we might share it with HIS people here and now.

    If we can't love and claim the Lamanites today, why would we imagine we would claim the 10 tribes. They will NOT look like us, some will even be Negro, like Muleks people and some of the leaders of Egypt, long ago.

    Let's not daydream away our futures, by imagining we will be totally accepting of other Tribes of Israel when we have very limited tolerance for the tribe in our midst.

    I'm not speaking to saints who befriend them, who offer them gifts of money or food when they are in need, or those who have friends and associates on reserves that they have not "hand picked" because they have "integrated" into our world.

    When the world shortly goes to heck in a handbasket, we will not be as ready as these people are to survive.
