Wednesday, June 6, 2018


This is interesting - and I came to this conclusion just the other day.

Basically, the gubmint wants a broken and dependent people that are easily manipulable in order to do their bidding (voting for free stuff).  The end goal is to remove the middle class and have the elites that control everything and the slaves who do their bidding:

Because the elite don't want to show people that if you just give up working your arse off to make THEM rich, you'll still be fine.
It's a finer form of slavery. No need for whips and chains when we ourselves BELIEVE that we need to work, have a home, mortgage, income and so on. For all that we need jobs. In reality, they need us to work so that they can get rich.
The latest "whip" is the threat of AI and total automation of work. It'll never happen, but now everybody's in panic over it. "You need to get a PhD and work in some megacorp R&D so that you'll have a job in the future!", they tell their kids. In other words: fry your brain on studies, get into totally hopeless debt and maybe you'll get to work the rest of your life to pay it off.

Just as in China, if you step out of line, you are given social demerits and your options become less and less and life is not worth living.  At that point, you are parted out for your organs (to keep the elite alive, of course) like some junk-yard jalopy and the rest of the corpse turned into soylent green......

CANNOT wait for the Millennium!  The gads are going down.  This is why every gubmint will dissolve and be smashed to dust in order to make way for the Great Ruler who will give righteous judgment to the nations.  It cannot happen soon enough!

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