This is how they get control over politicians/judges/etc (testimony from a female in the sex trafficking/trade):
This is what we are up against when dealing with the gads and their dark minions. This is what Spencer from VoG has been recruited to help deconstruct.
When I was 5 or so, we moved in next door to a near-retirement head sheriff (whatever that title is) for the county we were in, and proceeded to get friendly with him. One night, a man of around 30 years old who I had never seen before brought that head sheriff over to our house. The sheriff was high as a kite. I don't think he knew where he was or what he was doing. I was involved and pictures were taken that night for blackmail purposes. I'm not going to discuss the type of pictures. They were bad. Things went on from there. Similar things, going all the way up through the legislative branch, etc. over the years.
We could get away with anything in that town, in that state, in that region. There was no protection for myself because no laws could be applied, but we were insulated from the law.
I'd love to know what county/area she refers to here. Though, I'm sure most places would try to keep this hushed because of the image of someone in a high position "looking bad". The actual "bad" of it all is beside the point, unfortunately....