Tuesday, February 27, 2018


This is admittedly WAY out there - but I have been saying for years that there was a Chinese effort to develop contagion directed specifically at white, males.  Something that would effectively castrate the USA's ability to fight a war.  It is most of the reason why the reports are of cities and towns largely devoid of men.  After all, the Chinese have aborted themselves into the abyss with the one child policy (killing the girl babies in order to have a "male" heir).  This plan would effectively give them plenty of women to rape while they pillage and plunder the USA.

I first became aware of this back in 2009 but the net has been scrubbed of the report that was released.

Here is the missing officer's description of work:

He's a lead Epidemic Intelligence Service officer who, according to the CDC link, analyzes differences related to race/ethnicity, gender, and geography.
In the past, he's deployed for Zika, and Ebola. 
Family poster says he was last seen leaving work on Feb. 12.


Again, I will state that I clearly do not trust the average Chinese person based on quite a bit of interaction.  For those who have taken God as their guide, this obviously is not the case.  I have seen even my best friend just about sell his mother in order to make a buck.  I became quite disgusted and let him know.  He, of course, could not figure why I was protesting over his greed.  Is is cultural and endemic - from what I can see.

There is a reason that they will come here for our land, our oil, our minerals, our soil to grow crops for their people.  They will be ruthless - it has been shown to so many in vision.  Once they have over-run the land - then they will experience the same calamity for themselves, before they attempt to take down the very elect.

Folks, we are in for an epic ride.  If we have followed good counsel, we will be alright.  If not - we simply will reap the rewards for our indolence.


  1. My wife and most of her friends are primarily Chinese, from Taiwan or Hong Kong or American born and of course they are LDS; They and their families by in large avoided the Chi-Com cultural cleansing that destroyed traditional culture that held a strong moral code as tradition more than religion. I have heard that some of my wife's friends avoid having much to do with any relatives from mainland because of their compromised values. Unfortunately, Western culture has made it's negative inroads in eroding these traditional standards.
    I consider the drive Chinese have to successes in the world and to take great pride in families advances distorts traditional values, were in the persons value is attached to the schools they went to, degrees attained, money they made, ect.. When the winds come and rain washes away their foundation they will have nothing - same as the rest of the worldly people.

    I may digress here but:
    My wife blames Churchill for abandoning China to Mao. I tell her that the US is as much to blame because we had more war material to have supported Chiang Kai-shek. I suspect that the reason we did not help was because of the International Deep State - Gadianton bunch who wanted an enemy to attack the US in the future in it's plan for world domination.
    May sound crazy, but one does have to ask the question as to why McCarther was pulled back in Korea, why were our hands tied in the Viet Nam War, Russia was not about to go to war with us if we bombed Hanoi, their airports, ect. like a real war. - That reminds me of the 60,000+ US troops were killed for a BS War and who knows how many Vietnamese were killed. Human life to these Devils is so cheap. They will all, no doubt, eventually find out the opposite is true on the other side and it will be as if their deeds will be shouted from the roof tops.

  2. I'm reminded of the greediness of Aladdin's (Chinese)mother in the TV drama Arabian Nights, done around 2002. She sold his lamp,figuring it was not worth much (but still, not hers to sell). That aside, I think what you are saying here will happen, but that there is also an unseen and growing element of faith in China, since the internet and Hong Kong returning to Chinese hands. They cannot be starved of information anymore. I was actually expecting China to start opening up to missionaries when my daughter put in her papers in 2013. (She was very interested in China as a little girl.) Not so, but they are probably ready now. And like here, a great deal of evil mixed in with the good. Just my own feelings on that. Robin
