Tuesday, January 9, 2018


I cannot sum it up any better than this:

Make no mistake, real patriots support non-interventionism and THE CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC!
Only traitors support imperial actions/deployments and sticking our nose in everywhere it doesn't belong.
AND, the "war on terror" is BOGUS. What resistance there is to American overseas adventurism is BLOW BACK for illegal, immoral and unjustified American interventions going back as far as the Spanish-American War.
REAL PATRIOTS QUESTION THERE GOVERNMENT and keep it accountable. Both parties are now made up of GLOBALIST TRAITORS who put you overseas to help make the USA more and more hated by the rest of the world.

 And I know that I will make many people angry.  Those in the military whom I respect feel the same as I do:  they felt like meat in the NWO meat grinder.  I support and sustain the Constitution which never had ANYthing to do with building Empire.

I hold no ill will towards those who were duped into entering military service due to cunning and lies of the recruiters and the media that pushes an agenda (my wife's biological father died under these circumstances).  The last legitimate war we have fought was likely the Revolutionary War.  Most others, including the Civil War were built up on false principles.  The wars to defeat the American Indian were also mostly shams and contrived.  They were defending their way of life, every bit as much as the average Afghani is defending theirs.  Do I agree with either of those two ways of life?  Not on most points - but it does not give us the right to go onto their land, manufacture a reason to be there and then go subjugate them.  God will NEVER sustain it.  President Kimball was right - and I used to kind of think he was too dove-ish for his stance.  He was spot on.

Folks - when we pray for our success in our military endeavors, we are praying to the wrong god.....

1 comment:

  1. I served 12 years in the Military and feel just like you. The Book of Mormon states that the only authorized war is when God authorizes it. Otherwise, we are to seek peace.

    I think the only justifiable fighting is in the defense of our own lives and that of our family. The United States hasn't had that in such a long time. WWII may have been the last time.

    We, The United States of America, should be the examples of hard work, thrift, honesty and peaceful Christian living. God would then fight our battles for us and we would not need a National Military.

    In fact, the national military was not a part of the original constitution. General Washington fought the revolutionary war with borrowed State Militias.
