Glenn isn't even touching the heart of it- check this out:
Live in Las Vegas with Quinn Michaels Quinn Michaels and I join forces in Las Vegas to discuss AI and investigate the connections between cryptocurrency, Artificial Intelligence and the events of October 1, 2017.
AI requires blockchains and bit coin mining is building blocks for AI. One needs the other - as one who studies prophecy and end of times situations you can easily see how this will become the new currency - they need all of our computers to be online so AI can function.
Collective Memory - Star Trek Borg
And watch Sophia the AI who became a citizen - she is constantly saying she wants to take down humans as she laughs.
Glenn isn't even touching the heart of it- check this out:
Live in Las Vegas with Quinn Michaels Quinn Michaels and I join forces in Las Vegas to discuss AI and investigate the connections between cryptocurrency, Artificial Intelligence and the events of October 1, 2017.
AI requires blockchains and bit coin mining is building blocks for AI. One needs the other - as one who studies prophecy and end of times situations you can easily see how this will become the new currency - they need all of our computers to be online so AI can function.
Collective Memory - Star Trek Borg
And watch Sophia the AI who became a citizen - she is constantly saying she wants to take down humans as she laughs. - start at the 8 minute mark