Wednesday, September 27, 2017


I do not think that one will be able to say "if it happens" after recent developments - but it is more like "when will it happen"......  I think like any cornered animal, KJU will lash out with what he has, before he gets taken out.  Apparently, most of our subs are steaming towards NK in an effort to hunt down any that may be able to escape with a nuke on board to light off in a big population center.

Will it happen soon?  I do not know - but I happen to believe that it will happen sooner, rather than later.....


  1. Joel Skousen has said for some time that NK was the trigger event for WWIII to justify China and Russia attack on US. He thinks Russia and China are not yet fully prepared for war. Western Deep State Gads would like to start this war even now if possible.

    Skousen believes that the Gads control when an economic collapse. Ranae Lee Vision says the war starts with an economic collapse. Sols Guardisto sees international war break out in the Pacific. Julie Rowe sees war start in Pacific then the Middle East. David Warwick see's a lot more of what takes place in the Pacific where the US fleet gets' snookered and wiped out.

    I kind of doubt that Skousen pays' much attention to these visions and NDE's.
    In any case it looks like every one of these NDE's and ect all see Russians and Chinese engage in a coordinated attack.

    1. Correction, at date, Skousen still believes war is at least five to ten years away, and it looks like all this is bluster from the President and NK. I am personally not that worried about war at this time, I just as soon not needlessly wear out my adrenals. I just don't have any sense of it.
      Trump is being manipulated and controlled by contaminated Deep State information from his staff who are all NEOCONS.

  2. I'm not sure about that. Harsh sanctions placed after World War I seemed to stop Germany from acting aggressively... oh, wait a minute...
