Monday, March 27, 2017


We simply must NOT judge anyone.  However, when someone comes to the fold and desires to be among us, the question then begs what the motives are.  If they desire to change the body value set, then there is a serious problem:

The teachings of the Lord are clear in regard to the way we must deal with sinners. Christ treated them with compassion -- as long as they confessed that their sin was a sin. Only when they attempted to pretend that their sin was righteousness did he harshly name them for what they were: fools, hypocrites, sinners. Hypocrites because they were unwilling to change their behavior and instead attempted to change the law to fit it; fools because they thought that deceiving an easily deceivable society would achieve the impossible goal of also deceiving God. These are they who are “kicking against the pricks” and “fighting against the Saints of God”. Joseph Smith taught that it is never enough to physically leave the body of the Church and then leave the Saints alone. You can leave the Church, but the Church never leaves you -- because immutable truth is just that, immutable. It will gnaw at you at every turn and every choice in life until you either bow the knee and confess Christ as your Savior or raise your fist to heaven and curse God and wish to die because of your defiance at the failing to give heed to saving laws and ordinances which can bring peace and lasting joy.
The Church has plenty of room for individuals who are struggling to overcome their temptation and bad behavior. But for the protection of the Saints and the good of the persons themselves, the Church has no room for those who, instead of repenting of gross sin, wish it to become an acceptable behavior in the society of the Saints. They are wolves in sheep's clothing, preaching meekness while attempting to devour the flock, or their families, etc. 
No act of violence is ever appropriate to protect Christianity from those who would rob it of its meaning. None of us are without sin -- the casting of stones is not our duty or our privilege. All that must ever be done to answer them is to declare the truth, and to deny them the right to call themselves Latter-day Saints while proclaiming their false doctrine. Even as Christ freed from her accusers the woman taken in adultery, he told her, Go and sin no more.
Quote attributed to Orson Scott Card with modification by Iraq.

1 comment:

  1. Hatch is a Wolf in sheep's clothing - Really Utah pull it together...
