Friday, January 20, 2017


Wow - can it be true??  We did it - all the conservatives out there.

Smaller government, no more mocking of Godly things by bathing the former whorehouse in rainbow colors, no more LGBT crap on government websites (already taken down) and so much else.  Ready for the reign of freedom here in the USA, once again:

NEVER cease to pray for the new leadership (something which I have never done in the past)....

Now just have to endure a few Soros-paid goons breaking stuff in DC in their final spoilt rant - and then it is back to work while the distressed snowflakes get their pay for the weekend's damage and go back to their mom's basements to smoke their joints and play a new video game they were able to buy with their $15 an hour.....

What a complete and total relief.  I am going to spend the entire day in the temple tomorrow in non-stop prayers of gratitude.  It has been a draining - yet exhilarating year for me. 

1 comment:

  1. Epic speech by President Trump. Stayed true to the reasons we voted him in.

    I shed tears because it literally felt like a dark, oppressive cloud was lifted with the toilet flush of the Obamas leaving.

    Hillary had no right to be there other than her husband was an ex president. She and Bill were stone faced and she was clearly upset before going through the doors to face the people and walk past the podium where she would not be taking the oath of POTUS this day thank you God. Even more sickening was catching Bill casting a lustful look at Trump's daughters as they made their entrance.

    Yes, do pray for Trump everybody. God had to have run interference for the man. No other way he overcame what he did to get elected.

    If you think we've seen the last of the Obamas and the Clintons, we have not. Either in the forefront or behind the scenes, they will be around.

    God bless Donald J. Trump and God bless America. I hope one of the first things he does is invite the PM of Israel back to the U.S. and apologize for all of us who did not support the black pharaoh's last ditch efforts to offend God. AND I hope he asks Britain to give back the bust of Winston Churchill that was a gift to our country that said black pharaoh returned to Britain in an act of extreme rudeness when he first took office.
