Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Folks, this sure is interesting.  We all know that those green stains in the tub and sink mean the copper pipes are being eaten away by a mis-managed pH in your water supply.

It could also mean that your anxiety levels may rise along with your risk for dementia and other things:

Next time you are in for an exam, I would probably have the blood work done to make sure the copper levels are under control.

1 comment:

  1. A false or fluff story that should be read with caution. First off how many people even know what kale is? How many of you are eating it regularly? Cashews? Are you really consuming enough to get copper overdose? Most people eat fake, processed, chemically processed foods. Sure let's attack healthy food that could actually make you feel better! No statistics to even support the claim. How often does your doctor have your blood drawn? Most will only do this on the second or third office visit and only after taking a antibiotic to kill off anything even remotely healthy/functioning within your body. Sure to make you sicker 3-12 months later. How many Americans are copper overdosed? No stats to back up the claim and no proof this really is a epidemic.

    Look to a sluggish thyroid if you are having these symptoms. A few herbs to support your thyroid and you will be fine. But see the doctor wants you sick, they don't get paid if you are healthy. Attack healthy food.

    Maybe we should be asking why they are spraying the air with toxic levels of chemicals and if you live in Utah you know they spray this garbage in the mountains directly over the water paths right into the water treatment plant.

    This is why we should take our monthly fast seriously...

    1. 24 hour fast period
    2. Drink 64oz or more of water before starting fast
    3. No chewing or suckling (tells your liver you aren't eating /pretending to eat and allowing it to cleanse/heal
    4. Drink 20oz of water after you break your fast and wait .15 minutes before eating.

    Eat cilantro to metal detox

    Seriously this article is so full of holes - I would guess this is a paid advertisement!

    Be healthy, do eat kale and cashews. Remove sugar, dairy, white flour and by golly watch yourself get thin...unless you have a sluggish thyroid.
