Wednesday, November 23, 2016


This is great news.....  Another thing to be happy about as we throw the trash to the curb and install some hope once again in DC.

So good to know there is a positive start to the year and this new Presidency.


  1. Interesting and marvelous to say the least! Thanks for the post IRAQ.

    Now, I've listened to Julie Rowe's latest radio interview at least 4 times. In it she says instead of buying Christmas presents, to help someone clean up or find a loved one after the Wasatch Wake Up Earthquake. That's pretty telling right there. If she is a true messenger then we can surmise that this earthquake will now take place between now and Christmas.

    So, I did some looking on the calendar given to Enoch. Bear with me here. I've said many times Wednesday is the true 7th Day Shabbat currently. It will change to Thursday after March 16th next year. And we know God, according to Joshua, did not exact judgments on the Sabbath. So that leaves all Wednesdays in December out. December 15th is the new month day and is considered holy according to the commandments given to the Israelites. So it too, is a Shabbat/fast day.

    Now, here's where it gets interesting. December 23rd at sunset a fast begins because on December 24th is the DAY TO ATONE FOR PERSONAL SINS THAT CAUSED THE DESTRUCTION OF THE TEMPLE AND JERUSALEM.

    We don't have long to wait now and see if Julie Rowe is a true messenger of God to warn and admonish and to see if the Enoch Calendar is God's TRUE Calendar He wants us to be observing so that we can wait and watch properly for Him according to HIS schedule.

    And don't forget the two day warning Hector Sosa, Jr. said would occur publically, but many will dismiss, before the quake hits in the wee hours of the morning.

    And if the earthquake occurs, we can also be assured the bigger one following months later she spoke of will occur and this time next year will be mushroom clouds, possibly plagues and U.N. invasions like she and so many others have foretold.

    God help us because only JESUS CHRIST can "Make America Great Again".

  2. Thank you for your post and also for the comment. I don't believe Julie Rowe is a true messenger. I also believe she has no malice or ill-will - just not a true messenger. The test of a true prophet is if their prophecies come to pass. Julie mentioned debit/credit cards not working on Black Friday. I wrote that down (listened a few times more to make sure) along with a few other things. I know there will be earthquakes here along the Wasatch Front and all of the other things. Most of what Julie has said has been said by others. However, since there has been no breakdown of debit and credit cards today I wish her well but am dismissing her as a true messenger from God.

  3. AND she's got everybody freaked out to miss Church on any given Sunday because they might miss the big closed door can't get in or out meeting announcing we have hours to pack up all our skillets and get bussed out. I just don't see how God would work that way. Anyone could be out of town, disabled and home bound yet faithful, sick that day, or just couldn't make it for whatever reason.

    And now, all that faithfulness goes out the window and you're left sitting there with all your food storage because you missed a "Surprise! Everybody get loaded up, we're heading out tomorrow morning" meeting? How is that reasonable and just?

    No, God has surely has a better way of gathering out HIS people from among those who profess to be HIS people than to send some woman to make these sort of announcements in Church outside of Church leadership.

    GOD is the one in control of the Exodus that is surely coming. Get right with Him and HE will tell you and your family what to do and when to do it.
