Friday, August 19, 2016


I am here at work finishing up a few things before the weekend and listening to some youtubes.

I found this one:

Here is a movie that probably every single romantically inclined teen has seen (including mine, and I think my wife went to see the "vampire movie" as I call it).  How bad could it be, anyway?  A beautiful woman, tatted out in nicely scrolled artwork, wearing basically a black bra and a shawl, sporting a tongue piercing (there is only one reason for one of those....), singing a song about an epic romance between a thousand year old dude with sharp canine teeth and a pretty young brunette in an epic wedding setting.  Guests (female) all dressed in shoulder-off dresses, in a most amazing setting.  And for the best part, the novel written by an LDS gal.  How bad could it be, you might ask yourself?

Well, can I point out a few obvious things?  Because this glimpse into the movie made me shudder.

Number one, the eyes of the dude were freaky.  Not sure who the actor is, but he appears to be one of those metro-sexual girlie-boys who will probably come out in the next couple of years as a raging homosexual, further increasing the whole gender fluidity/gender morphing agenda they are already pushing on us.

Secondly, the young bride - while pretty by many standards appears to be spiritually tortured.  There is almost no light in those eyes.  She appears to be nearly spiritually dead to me.

Why does this matter?  Because it paints a confusing picture for young women who know that modesty is to be sought after - and that virtue is more precious than anything.  They get the idea that this epic moment in one's life can be a sullied event.  I am not sure if this wedding was preceded by pre-marital sex - but I would not be surprised if it were, in keeping with the wHollyweird agenda.  So a girl, instead of seeing virtue in the eyes of the bride, is seduced into thinking that the vision of purity is that.  And I can tell you (while knowing NOTHING of who that actress is), that she has crossed MANY boundaries and remains in an unrepentant state at least at the time of that filming.

This epic wedding event is then crooned by an also pretty gal who is also projecting all that we have been warned against - including a tongue piercing and what that is used for.  So, we have an entire generation of lemmings who will jump off - or be driven off - a cliff and they have no clue that they are being driven to their demise.  The siren of my day was Madonna (what an oxy-moron......).  The siren of the next generation was Britney Spears.   The next one was Miley Cyrus.  Then Taylor Swift.  And it goes on and on - all screaming teeny boppers worshipping the next foul example they throw in front of them.  They have a pipeline filled with these seemingly innocents who slowly warp the mores of the day into the next lower level of tomorrow.  One generation and one step lower until the entire nation has been taken down the primrose path and into bondage - both physical, spiritual and soon financial.

Pray for the gift of discernment - and use it.

We have an entire generation that are questioning their aging leaders - and their entire value set.  The only way to limit the slide is to limit the filth we allow the next generation to be exposed to.

1 comment:

  1. No, they did not have pre-marital sex. Edward the groom was "old fashioned". The bride would've in a heart beat. The LDS author who is wealthy beyond reason from these novels/movies will have some explaining to do. Promoting something the God she claims loyalty too abhors, condemns, and commands us NOT TO DO. DRINKING BLOOD! Then there's the immortality while being basically dead with all the cool super human powers. EVIL has been romanticized and once again God is forgotten and...........boring. Way to go sister Meyers!
