Friday, August 26, 2016


Every time I watch this, I get the vibe that we are dealing with what Sarah Menet talked about - a nuking of Tel Aviv, followed by a retaliation by Israel - followed by the UN going for the kill and solving "the Jewish problem" once and for all.  My guess is that the people retreat to Jerusalem because they know that the forces will not utterly waste them there due to Al Aqsa - they would not want to destroy it.

bummer and everyone else in the world (due to the soros controlled and liberal media) hates Israel.  Fact is, islam is fascist.  Control and compulsion - and while I am roasting here - is largely founded in homosexuality (or at least it is rampant in that culture - just ask anyone who has dug into the culture over there).  Most guys have their "little boys" for fun over in Afghanistan and Pakistan and other areas.  Same thing with the nazis.  Same thing with the leadership in our country and the kings of Europe.  It is rampant - and the dirty little secret that no one talks about.  Now, the grand poo-blah of the world, bummer who is a homosexual and who is married to a tranny, has sought to push the last vestiges of any resistance to it out of the religious circles and push it on our grade school kids.  What a sick, sick miserable being (will barely qualify him as a human being - a dog has more stature in my mind - a swine, as well).....

So, if you boil it all down - they are foisting this massive thing on everyone - because it is running rampant in the undercurrents everywhere the secret combination has gotten above the people.  Which is most of the world.  The things which are being promoted in our propaganda is that which supports or engages in homosexuality.  liberals.  fascists.  whollyweird.  lgbt and company.  Most leadership in international gubmints, etc etc.

I have to extrapolate out a little here - and might just guess that the devil himself is a raging homosexual.  The whole thing is twisted to reward this - so I can only guess about the font of it all.....

At the VERY LEAST, the reason for the withering attack on what is good and right, is that the miserable one and the third of our spiritual siblings who went for total control (read fascism, liberalism, socialism, big gubmint, etc etc) will never have children, so the way to frustrate those who chose the path of agency and free choice, was that he would push this hellish agenda in order to have an entire generation where the purposes of the earth were frustrated through lesbianism and homosexuality.  Maybe both, maybe the devil had mommy issues and had a hankering for some of the male compadres.  This whole thing baffles me - in that RIGHT after the fall and the family of
Adam was launched, we had murder and covetness and then this launch into homosexuality as "every man knew his brother" - while still having the appearances of straight living (wife and kids).

I pretty much refuse to say who it is so I do not implicate a person (since this is more of a vibe than fact), but there is a single guy I know who gives me the creepers.  Every time my back is turned to him and I am bending over to pick something up, he will suddenly stop his incessant talking and it is quiet until I stand up again.  I began to notice a pattern last year - and it is creepy as heck.  I have to say - in nearly 50 years of my life - that he is the only person who gives me this vibe (that is not openly gay).  He talks about how he loves women - but there is always an excuse as to why the relationships have never worked out......  My vibes are telling me there might be more to the story......  Yikes!!  What I am saying here is that there is a lot of this garbage going on - probably molestations and such and then it just keeps perpetuating itself.  Broken people dealing with the hellish fallout for the rest of their lives.  People who were "sanduskied" as kids......  Just sick.

I heard a story of what happened to a freshman male at BYU - and it freaked me out.  There are those who are out there just waiting for opportunities for their next conquest.  They are predators.  Any kid who is not street wise - is just a sitting target.  If a kid does not have natural self-confidence, they are in trouble.  When dealing with my two youngest, I try to instill confidence in them.  When they are confident around people (particularly boys), they will deflect the predators that are looking for the "easy meal".  These predators prey on the socially awkward and emotionally weak ones.  The secret is to talk to your girls - so that dealing males is just as natural as dealing with a female.  It drives their friends nuts because they will be comfortable around the boys - while they are still twittering and swooning - but it is what they need.  When the time comes to tell the boys to take a hike - they will just do it; instead of being taken advantage of.  Also, telling them the truth; that a boy at that age - even if raised properly, has a drive with one end in mind.  It is what makes the world go around - so it is not evil or terrible - it just needs to be properly channeled and saved for the right time.  The girls hold the keys to that - along with a nice swift kick to the groin - they control the key to the gates.  They have to be taught this.

My wife, as an abuse victim, only gained the upper hand when she had enough confidence as a mid-teen to tell the adult abuser to take a hike.  As a 20-something (when I first met her), she was both extremely confident/spunky- and also had a lesser halting/shy element to her personality.  She was always approached by the scary guys because of this apparent lack of confidence and would let them keep pestering her until she would get to a point - then get fed up and tell them to get lost if they thought they were making inroads.  To a completely confident gal, the scary guys simply would not approach.  I was drawn to her spunky side.  You have to have this in order to survive today and not become a door mat - but not the "stuck up" confidence - just a quiet confidence in who you are.  It was always hard to find the right combination of what I was looking for.

The snots appeared to be confident, but were inwardly often quite insecure and shallow.  Those who had no confidence were often promiscuous - as a way to bolster their self-image (being wanted in that way = worth to someone).  So the sweet spot, was someone who was not so full of themselves, but who were stalwart in their boundaries and values - and yet who I was still attracted to.  It was literally vein of gold in a entire mantle of rock - what I was looking for.  It was in the range of 1000 to 1, or worse odds.  I knew what I needed around 12-13 years old and set out looking for that heart of gold.  I found them - about one in a high school full of kids.  About 1000 to 1 or 1500 to 1.  That recipe that I found as an early teen never changed til I was kneeling at the altar.

Sooooooooo...........................  wow, did that ever get off track........  From homosexual, fascists trying to squash Israel to promiscuity in the teen years......  Whoa.

Here is the part where I think Natan is talking of this UN action that comes against Israel with head-master homosexual and closeted Jew-hater/islamo-fascist, barack leading the charge on his pink unicorn......:

No white stallion with that one....  Man I love mocking that piece of work.  How often in the last six thousand years has anyone had the luxury of being able to live in an age of totalitarian communications surveillance, and openly mock the anti-Christ who is going to make a run on Jerusalem and still remain alive....?  Suck it up, you damnable fag - you are going DOWN!  Before you can utterly waste this country, the Constitution and my kids' remaining innocence.....  Good riddance!  Enjoy gehenna, sucker!

Zion is coming, soon!  No more trash!!

The above event that comes on Israel, I think ties into Sarah Menet's nuke.  Funky to think that most likely, bummer boy helped to placate Iran and get the nuke into Libya (with hitlery's help in taking out Ghaddafi and leaving hamas in place there).  Most likely, if this timeline is correct, it is likely sitting there in place.  This nuke would have to fly in the next few weeks for the timeline to work out.  We are literally coming toe to toe with the edge of the cliff - and there is no turning back.  After we (the country) lose the mess in the ME and have our collective arses handed to us because we have turned our back on Israel, it will get wild over here.  Seven years of God's wrath.  It will shake this country to the core - financially, socially, governmentally.  There will not be much left.  This is as it should be in order to be able to start fresh.

You cannot put new wine into old bottles.....

If Natan is right, we have just weeks!  Woohoo!!

Also, I will say that when watching the vid of  Natan you must remember that he is seeing things from his perspective. His perspective will always be different than that of a Christian or a Muslim or other person.  God tailors the experience to each individual, so another without the gift of discernment may not be able to pick out the message that was for them.

And one last piece of business here.  I rarely get hit up over my anti-gay agenda stance, but I have to say I have EVERY problem with someone who is gay who is foisting their hellish agenda on a 5 year old kid in the form of an lgbt "facilitator".  I get the whole grab a whip and start driving the trash to the curb impulse that the Savior had in the temple in His day when I hear of this stuff.  To the average person who may be struggling with same-sex attractions or other issues (and who is NOT a predator or "facilitator" for their cause), I have compassion and brotherly love for them. 

The rest?  Millstones about the neck.  I am sick of the perverse debauchery I have to raise my kids in.  Saying or doing nothing to push it back implies consent.  Period.  So I speak out - and forcefully so in as strong a manner as I can.  If a rapist breaks into my home and I sit back and watch him do his thing with not so much as saying a peep or raising an eyebrow, I am first of all not a man and secondly completely complicit.  In fact, by a straight-thinking jury, I might well be considered an accomplice or accessory to the crime for not having sought to stop it - for not having become the Good Samaritan in a bad situation.  So, in that same vein of thinking, when a sick, twisted body of people hijacks my sanctuary, that I am charged with guarding, but they do so in a slow, insidious/barely perceptible manner - but accomplish a similar thing (the raping of innocence of young children all the way up to the raping of a nation's goodness and character), have I not also been an accomplice?  The answer is yes.  Same goals - just that one has come about slowly and almost with the approval of the people - some actually clamoring for it to happen - even going so far to say that it MUST happen, "because the rapist has needs" - while the opposite scenario is not slow and insidious, but violent and sudden and traumatic.  The end result the same - but the methods have been altered - and therefore it has been accepted completely by a population lulled to sleep and into servitude, bondage and chained everlastingly.  This is cognitive dissonance - a complete disconnect on a national level - and thus we see how the devil is cunning and leads a people completely into bondage.

If you do NOT speak up - you own your portion of the collective hell you have created.

So, I will repeat here:

Suck it up, you damnable fag - you are going DOWN!  Before you can utterly waste this country, the Constitution and my kids' remaining innocence.....  Good riddance!  Enjoy gehenna, sucker!

Zion is coming, soon!  No more trash!!  What is good and right will prevail - you will be cast out with the rest that rebelled against good principle in the beginning.
Rinse, repeat.

1 comment:

  1. The link to Natan discussing the UN's attack in Israel, head up by Bathhouse Barry, actually takes us to a movie trailer for a Naomi Watts / Matthew Mccauneghy (sp?) movie. Can you fix the Natan link?
