Thursday, July 21, 2016


Wow, we already have T(ranny)J Maxx, Targay and now Macy's.  These idiots don't get it.  I never want my kids setting foot in there - out of concern that some freak will peep on them.

I was in the Home Despot the other day and sitting in the stall, I look over and someone used their freaky perverse "home improvement" skils to drill a hole through the divider into my stall.  I am sick of the pervs and sickos we have all around us.  Makes me want to get out and move to a small little town where the perversity has not caught up with the rest of the world and rant and rave to the rest of the world until the final curtain falls......   Oh, wait.

We need to:
  •  Bring back the Academy System - and destroy the public screwel system..... see ya!
  •  Grow our own healthy food with no garbage in it
  •  Bring back traditional/holistic medicine
  •  Bring back the concept of a father working for the sustenance of the family while mom has the luxury of staying home and raising the family
  •  Get rid of the internet except for the most rudimentary of stuff (all community-based and approved).
  •  Develop all industries locally so that we are virtually self-sustaining
  •  Trash the television - period.
  •  Death penalty to all murderers, child molesters and rapists.  Period.
  •  Constitutional ideals with NO exceptions for a homosexual community organizer or any other "progressive".....
  •  A place where you have ZERO concern about your kid being able to play until it is time to come home for dinner.
Oh, I just described the Zion society.  Application to it is voluntary - anyone else can go packing if they don't like it.  If they attempt to force the people to change or submit to their ways (the way the USA has been doing it lately), the attempt to militarily force the change is met with fire from heaven, called down by a righteous Priesthood who has power in their Priesthood because all the stuff above has been put in place.

I am liking this more and more by the minute.....

Here is what got me spun up:

I harbor no tolerance any more for these freaks and pervs.  None.

1 comment:

  1. I would take this case and win for the fired employee
