Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Over 800 of them.

Wow - the nazis had nothing on the current set of pukes we have in power.  Ain't that lovely.

If you are a religious fundamentalist (believe in family, God, Constitution, God-given and inalienable (nobody can place a lien or a demand against them) rights - then you might well win the FEMA camp lotto!  Not unlike the Native Americans did, the Japanese did and so many others.  Then there were the free-ranging Mormon inmates under Johnson's Army. 

Ahhh, yes; we have an illustrious past of seizure, deportations, relocations, confiscations and so much else in this "great nation" of ours.  We lock people up and hunt those down from nation to nation who dare expose the truth or release classified information - and then escape to another country; but let the master biotch/murdress off with not so much as a slap on the wrist for crimes that exceed anything of the previously accused by an order of magnitude (or two) and then we have the gall to call this the "Land of the Free".  Talk about a mass delusion.

We are RIPE, folks!  May God bring this down before too many innocents have to suffer needlessly.

Some days - seeing the bind the nation is in, I feel like a Sampson, of sorts.  Fettered, broken and few options - but to take down (ask for God to fight the battle) this nation for its crimes against common sense..... 

Here is the article that got me spun up:

What an awful state.  The nazis beat us.  It took 75 years, but the fascists won with a corporate-controlled police state...

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