So, I was cranking away on my power machine yesterday (great way to spend the 4th - trying to get off the grid and check out because your country has gone to helena handbasket) and a guy rolls up to the storage unit right next to mine. All I heard was footsteps and not a car, so I assumed it was a homeless guy coming up to scope the place out.
While the craze for copper has largely subsided since Cu prices have dropped down out of the stratosphere, it is still a good way to make a quick buck to provide some much-needed meth or coke money. I have literally thousands of dollars of it sitting around, some of it 1" diameter. The energy machine is a copper hungry little device.....
Because I thought it might be a homeless guy on foot, I quickly stepped over to find myself staring at a guy that did not have meth-mouth and who did not look strung out.
I apologized for my brusqueness and explained a little and he then introduced himself and we chatted for 10 or 15 mins. I showed him my machine and explained the various features of it. I told him that I am basically just integrating existing off-the-shelf components to make it as simple as is possible to save time and money (and brain drain, trying to re-invent the wheel). He said he also worked for my company and then started dropping projects he has been working on and I began to realize he is kind of high up there. He is making decisions on the new 757 replacement (narrow-body, single aisle jetliner to be made out of carbon fiber, like the 787 that he was in on the ground on) and that he is trying to drive the decision-making on new materials from the most exotic stuff to more "off-the-shelf" stuff. He said that they need more people like me around - that can think outside the box.
At that point (speaking of outside the box) I 'ALMOST' told him my 777 prophecy and just throttled back to a statement of concern over potential volatility in the world financial markets and how it might affect future sales, orders and jobs. I was fishing to see where he was at - but he did not bite.
He was there to blow up some tires on some toys and then have them shipped down to his new retirement home in AZ. He is getting ready to take the VLO package and move onto other endeavors at the end of this year. I told him I wanted one too. He said that they are making one more round of VLO's and then told me some other stuff I cannot share - or I would have to kill you. All of you - and I have a weak stomach......
So, I offered to let him borrow my pancake air compressor to blow up his tires. He politely declined and said he had one. I heard him over there pumping by hand with a bicycle pump.
Stupid me - missed opportunities..... He finished, came over and said good bye and wished me luck on my endeavors - then drove off.
So, I just looked him up on the company org chart. He is two levels from the top guy of the company - over probably 25,000 people and six levels above my direct boss......
So yeah - sometimes you just kick yourself, thinking about how you might have optimized a chance encounter with someone. He is at the level where I could have had anything I wanted if I had first impressed him - and then just asked for something.
Here is my favorite vid that encapsulates that feeling:
Maybe next time, instead of listening to him blow up his tires by hand, I will just walk over with my compressor full of air and see where it takes me. Think outside the box, stupid! lol
That kind of summed up my whole last week - and I was kind of miffed over it over the weekend. Thinking of missed opportunities by not staying close to the Spirit. Timing is everything. And it really is about survival of the spiritual fittest. As the way straightens here shortly - and the portal becomes ever smaller, it will be of tantamount importance to get it right the first time. Every time. Those who panic because they have not had their lamps trimmed, simply will be trampled in what is coming. So, the secret will be to up the game spiritually by recognizing and responding appropriately to the promptings that come and avoiding the physical pitfalls that will snare most people. Discernment, gifts of dreams of warning, visions, testimony, faith in Jesus Christ, faith to be healed, faith to heal - all things that will help those on the straightened and narrowed path to make it.
Some people have been listening for a long time - feeling things out and they are already in a good place and prepared. Others? Too focused on the physical to give any heed to the things of the Spirit - and that is their folly. It will be their undoing. It will be a hard lesson to bear.
Charity Never Faileth