Thursday, June 30, 2016


I am living well below my privilege - and this quote describes how to arrive at a level that we should all be at.  If we optimized our experience; even got to within 70-80% efficiency for a telestial mortal experience, we would have Zion and would be living well within the terrestrial target.

We would experience an unprecedented outpouring of gifts, we would not just have occasional intercourse with, but would be marinating in the Spirit and would have discourse with angels.  So, what is stopping us?  Our own laziness or lack of faith or desire?  Lack of repentance?  Lack of prayer?  Lack of consistent scripture reading?

Some people just simply give up and drop out of the race - but would it not be nice to make it safely back into Father's arms?  That should be the foremost goal of every citizen of earth.  But we become too consumed and distracted with and by the things of the world.  Sometimes, it is the perfect house or car or a perfect body - and we neglect the things that will bring true eternal happiness or peace.  Those things you can take with you - your honor, integrity and character; all of which contribute to a confidence that will wax strong in the presence of our Father when we approach Him in our final accounting.

So what will it be?

I was in the muffler shop today picking up a part for my power machine and there were a bunch of classics that were there for suspension/muffler work.  A really nice older man was talking with the owner and I commented on his nice custom hot rod out front.  He then told me that this was not his only one - and he went on to list about 10 dream cars including a '55 Nomad which is the pink unicorn of hot 50's cars.  He was all excited while talking about his collection (and I could not help but think that none of them would be saved in what was coming) and then he got a sad countenance and went on to tell me about his daughter who died on her 16th b-day from a rare genetic disorder of the kidneys and how he took her to all her treatments in that Nomad.

Because his wife could have no more kids (it was a 100% chance that they would have another with the same dwarfism and early death), that was their only kid.  It was a factor in a later divorce.  Too much stress.  Seventy percent of couples that lose a child end up divorced from the strain of the event - and I will add here that this factor would probably those who choose willful abortion over life early in their marriage when convenience is more important than children.

So, what do we have in our lives that is causing undue distraction?  Stuff that keeps us from the focus we should have?  I ask myself that regularly - and try to not let stuff consume me.  Including this blog.  There are NO sacred cows - when it comes to proper focus.

Here is the profound quote:

"If we, as a people, would live up to our privileges, how many difficulties might be avoided! How many Latter-day Saints would constantly live in the light of revelation!"
"The great difficulty with me, and I presume it is also the experience of almost every man and woman in the Church of the living God, is, we are not so faithful as some of the servants of God have been in former days. Some of them were so faithful that they lived constantly in the light of revelation. Their minds were opened to it, and scarcely a thing could transpire but what they understood it beforehand. They did not need the news or intelligence to be brought to them from a distance, but there was a spirit within them and the candle of the Lord gave that spirit understanding in regard to things that were transpiring thousands of miles distant. They lived for this; they walked before the Lord so faithfully that they were entitled to know, not only things that were present with and that would benefit themselves and the people among whom they dwelt, but also things in the future—ages and ages to come were opened up to their minds, and their minds comprehended them by permitting this candle of the Lord to shine upon and illuminate them.
It is my most earnest desire to live so as to discern under every condition [p. 233b] and circumstance in life precisely what would be most pleasing in the sight of God for me to do, and when I comprehend this I can act as a person who does not grope in the dark, like the blind man who gropes for the wall; Isa. 59:10 but if I live for it, the path in which I should walk will be plain, the Spirit of God being as it were a lamp to my feet, Ps. 119:105 and my guide and instructor by day and by night. Do you not desire Latter-day Saints to be instructed in this way? Every honest-hearted person will answer yes. Every one who hungers and thirsts after righteousness, Matt. 5:6 and who desires eternal life will acknowledge that he does desire to be thus guided and led."
Orson Pratt, “Spirit of Light and Truth, Etc.” Journal of Discourses, Vol. 15, No. 31, Nov. 24, 1872, pp. 229–241.

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