Monday, June 6, 2016


This is fascinating stuff:

It will have limited application - but it is fascinating.


  1. As a master herbalist I am concerned about the dosages mentioned. Children and Infants are two separate categories for dosing. And one must increase the frequency of the dose, not the amount or you can overload the liver. And it doesn't matter WHEN you make your tinctures. Mine work just fine and have helped the worst of the worst without being made on a new moon. Also, certain RX's can be HIGHLY affected the way they metabolize with herbal medicines. They can be assimilated faster causing over dose.

    However, I can vouch for the potency of the formula. It will be VERY VERY costly to make so do get a group thing going.

    I will add more later to help with the children's dosage issue. Have to go now.

  2. I took the time to give so much information regarding the PROPER dosages for tinctures. I feel sorry for the trusting parent whose infant is given an entire dropperful and a half of tincture at one time.

    Dr. Christopher, MASTER herbalist was faithful LDS and MOST INSPIRED of God would've never given this much to a baby! His anti-plague formula saved a community in Arizona. The Red Plague remedy you are promoting, the way it is worded written, came from someone who had to do quick research on how to make and dose the formula and it was hasty and they're clearly not very knowledgeable.

    You're promoting a formula/dosing from someone without a medical license. I did not feel the Spirit confirming the dosages in the remedy submission.

    Mark my words, it will be liver overload for infants and perhaps fatality and you will be partially responsible for putting it out there without knowing the truth about tinctures and dosing and how certain herbs affect the liver, prescription meds, seizure patients, pregnant women, infants/children, etc.

    And you, of all people, knows what it feels like to lose a baby. Don't risk other people's children. I don't care if this pisses you off or not. You have a way of excluding relevant and vital information when it doesn't conform to your mindset or beliefs. Not cool.
