Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Har, har, har........  Why am I not laughing??....:

That steaming pile has caused war to be poured out upon all nations.  My estimates are that the US and western "allies" have fielded approx 1 million troops in exercises in hot zones this last week alone.  I am guessing that the other side has about 1 million active right now - and that does not include China and India.......  Yep, when he ascends "the world throne" in December as picked head of the UN - after the US has been successfully brought to her knees - he can finish the world off.....

Man, I am so NOT laughing at any of this.

1 comment:

  1. Just makes me want to PUKE after all his "peace" talk to the masses during his first campaign. Then later, announcing timelines as to when US forces would be pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan.....might as well give the Muslim brotherhood the keys to all our nukes while he was at it! Robin
