Monday, February 22, 2016


Wow - saw this on FB from a friend that is a huge WoW advocate (eat meat sparingly).

I respect her greatly for her stance on the matter:

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
The Council of The Twelve
47 E. South Temple Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
December 30, 1966
El Paso, Texas
Dear Sister,
This is my answer to you in relation to President Brigham Young's statement that mother's should not feed their small children meat. Yes! Small children do not need the flesh of animals. May I add also that adults would be better if they would refrain from too much eating of meat. As far as I am concerned I will be contented if the Millennium was to be ushered in next week. When it is, we will learn that the eating of meat is not good for us. Why do we feel that we do not have s square meal unless it is based largely on meat? Let the dumb animals live. They enjoy life as well as we do.
In the beginning the Lord granted to man the use of flesh of certain animals. See Genesis 9:1-6, but with so many fruits of the soil and from trees of the earth, why cannot man be content? Naturally in times of famine the flesh of animals was perhaps a necessity, but in my judgement when the Millennium reaches us, we will live above the need of killing dumb innocent animals and eating them. If we will take this stand in my judgement we may live longer.
Very sincerely,
Joseph Fielding Smith


  1. Part of my web site is devoted to "Word of Wisdom Recipes" which do not contain meat or use meat sparingly and are tasty. Please feel free to add to these recipes your favorite ones.

  2. I feel I need to interject here. We ARE living in a time of famine. And not necessarily from lack of food, but of quality food. Our fruits and vegetables today are so void of nutrition and full of toxic chemicals that we are getting no nutritional value out of them like we used to. And unless you grow your own rich, organic food, and live off of it, then you are basically starving yourself. We need the meat right now to get us through.

  3. I have a four year old grandson eats very little meat. My 2 year old granddaughter is a full on carnivore, she just loves meats. Humans crave the foods their bodies need to provide the necessary nutrients for them.

    The more I read about Joseph F Smith the less impressed I am.
    Sometimes prophets are learning, Joseph Jr was, these are not God, they have their prejudices as anyone else. Look at what they did to John Koyle.

  4. This is huge. I am always surprised at the excuses that people come up with for killing animals in the name of a sandwich or whatever. If people had to actually kill the animal and prepare the meat the eat so many more of us would think twice before 95% of our meals. Fruits and veggies are almost ALWAYS a better bang for your buck nutrition wise. Spinach, Broccoli and almonds are just a few choices with more protien gram wise than an equivalent side of beef...AND they're packed with other nutrients too.

  5. meat, sugar, and dairy.... pretty much are the most addicting foods I know. Funny thing is, when I go off of them for 6 weeks, I have no more achy joints, no more skin problems, no more insomnia... and several other health benefits. I am by no means close to breaking my food additions... But I have tasted what life could be like... and I desire it again. The counsel is still valid, where modern food falls short, amazing nutritional & medicinal herbs are capable of filling in the gaps, we need only seek them out.
