Monday, February 29, 2016



And we wonder why there is so much cancer and thyroid problems in the northern hemisphere......  

Thursday, February 25, 2016


I do not think this is alarmist - it is alarming, but not alarmist.

Folks - we are in WWIII, whether you like it or not.  The USA is as much at war with Russia now, as it was at war with Vietnam in 1963.  It just has NOT progressed to the level it finally ended up at in 1969 - but we WERE at war with them, no matter how the press is packaging the details:

Awaken to your awful state.  This will end with nukes.  Russia will prevail in the short term.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


I have not said too much about my latest project I have been crunching away on for the last few months, but I am starting to do the research on a small company I plan on starting utilizing wind/solar/diesel co-gen for 120/240VAC inversion off of 12/24VDC battery storage.

I plan on making affordable three way power systems that use minimal fuel while supporting a 3000W, 6000W and 12,000Watt power load requirement.  The two bigger systems are good for whole house solutions and operate on 120V and also 240VAC (for running dryers/welders, etc).  The smaller unit will supply 120VAC only and will support a cabin or 30amp DC load for an RV that is off-grid.

At some point in the near future, I will research and provide a grid-tie option to the units for those who want to make it pay for itself over time (and it will take quite a bit of time for that to happen on the scale I have in mind).

For now I am assembling the mid-size 6000W unit, followed by the 3000W unit and then will finalize the product line with the 12,000W unit.

The other feature I am offering is a kit that will make these units EMP-resistant (all electronics are faraday-caged and bonded/grounded/shunted) so they will survive what is coming.

As soon as I can get the documentation online, I will supply plans for those who want to make their own systems.  I am using "off the shelf" components, so if you are handy, you can make your own system to increase your self-reliance.

My plan is based on the "Millennial Model" where information is free (since I was given my knowledge and ability to understand things, for free), but will charge for my time if someone would rather not do all the wiring/drilling, etc.  I eventually plan on offering all components at cost on a simple website in basic package groupings where everything will pretty much be "plug and play" with the larger unit being scalable.  This will happen over time.  I will supply a parts list - but the list will have to be faxed to recommended suppliers in order to get the best deal until I can offer the same parts for sale.

I will not spend the time to do custom solutions unless a custom solution will enhance the capabilities of those three models I mentioned above.  Simple is best - so that is what I stick to.

Here is the new blog where you can dig around and educate yourself on the basics of power generation and control, if interested:

You may be asking yourself, "Why is this guy getting into this, if he expects the grid to go down?", etc.  I do expect that we will be pounded back into the dark ages at some point soon - but I believe that getting back on our feet as quickly as possible will be paramount.  For this reason, I have put a lot of thought combined with what I have learned from the electrical portion of my aerospace career into making this thing as rugged as is possible. I also believe that cooking without having to use wood/coal etc will make things alot easier until normalcy can be restored.  Using things like power drills will make the transition back to some sense of normalcy bearable versus drilling steel with a brace and bit or filing a large steel rivet instead of using a 6 Amp grinder....

As with all things, my preps are portable.  These units are all portable (on small trailers), so you can site them where you are (at home OR away from home in a callout situation) and they can be sited where the best wind/solar combination can be had for your various situations.  The diesel tank is good for 35 US gallons which should last up to 6 months for a standard situation (running cook-top, freezer with LED bulbs for the home, etc) with minimal diesel genset kick-in for battery charging and load carrying duties.  Most generation will come from the wind generator and solar panels.

Please hit the "LIKE" button if you think you would be interested in something like this (either making your own - or buying one once I am up and running), or if you know someone else who would likely be interesting in something like this.  I will put some information out there in the next eight weeks or so, when I have finished my first unit.

As a side note, all of my critical electronic preps are stored in faraday cages (33 gallon metal garbage cans) and will be pulled out once the expected EMP event is over.

My object is not to use the blog platform to make money for myself - but more to help people get to a good place where they can help as many people as is possible.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


This Sheriff is willing to deputize EVERY man, woman and child in Paiute County, Utah.

These guys are taking up where Finicum left off.  My daughter's best friend is holed up in Canada while her grand-daddy, Cliven Bundy is holed up in a Federal detention center for exercising his rights under the Constitution. 

This whole thing just has me pissed off.  I have so much history that gets me to this point - but I am here to say it is NOW or NEVER.  Stand up now - or lose your right to freedom of speech, freedom from tyranny and so much else.

I have nothing and I like it that way.  Once you have something, the banksters, tax men and other fraudsters can simply take it away - or threaten to take it away. 

I just got done fighting with the Montana Tax Commission and won.  They levied huge penalties against me and basically threatened to take one fifth of a year's salary away from me if I did not roll over and pay.  I came right back at them with a bunch of effort (self-represented) and told them I was taking this train all the way to the final stop.  I knew I was being pushed around and that their sham audit was no good.  I prevailed - thanks be to God.

Here is the rub.  They take your money, hire lawyers and bureaucrats to lay oppressive burdens on you and can grind you into the ground, if they so desire.  Thankfully, my amount was not worth their time.  Ironically, one of the initial audit findings had to do with annual write-offs of 13% for tithes/offerings.  That sneering auditor sat there and grilled me over that like I was some kind of criminal.  THANKFULLY - the judge/arbiter was a woman of good character and she was able to get my side of the story and after spending hundreds on postage and booklets showing my side of the story, I was let off the hook.  I spent countless hours preparing my defense - and herein is the rub!  I was GUILTY until proven innocent.  I thought that was illegal in the USA.  They have to prove my guilt - the burden of proof should be on them!

I had to laugh when I told the Montana fraudsters that they could threaten to garnish my wages in the USA, but that I would simply exercise my freedom to go to Canada and work there.  When they threatened to place liens on property or titled vehicles, I had none in the USA.  Go ahead - what are you going to do, make it an international affair over tens of thousands of dollars?  Whatever.

I was supposed to be in Canada a year ago - instead, I have wasted my time away from family just to ensure I could pay this ridiculous levy and fines/penalties off, had I not prevailed.  My wife suffered a heavy price for not having had me there where I should have been.  All because of a bureaucrat and his personal quest to make sure his numbers looked good for the year. 

If enough people stand up and push back, the bureaucrats will have to cower - and think TWICE before they decide to pick on the little guy.  THIS is the reason I went down to LaVoy Finicum's funeral.  To honor a man who PUSHED BACK and then ended up paying the ultimate price - as an innocent man, who peacefully protested and petitioned for his rights and was gunned down and left to die in a snowbank.  SunzaB's!!

I will go down and support my sister and family in Paiute County if it comes to that.  It just became personal (moreso than it has been in the past on this whole ranching thing).  We NEED to stand up against tyranny.  Bottom line is, the land has been promised to other people to secure our national debt.  No one is willing to say it - but that is what it is about.  We need to stop operating in debt and then eliminate that debt just as Iceland did, by declaring it illegal debt (the Fed is a total sham).  Unite now - or pay later.

This is the message of this rancher from Circleville, UT:
God bless them - and I hope they are living their lives in such a way that He can pour out his blessings on them without reservation.


Or robots, or whatever.

Folks, there is a reason this juicy pimple must come to a head - and then be popped.  Once those who are currently in power, perfect this - then make it virtually ballistic-proof and then multiply it, it will be unstoppable.

The Russians know this.  All of our foes do.  They will take measures to decapitate the beast before it becomes unbeatable.  Remember that the "rebellion" did not go very well......

God will have to step in before this garbage can be used to utterly wipe out the remnant (okay, I am going to make the analogy to the where the young jedi's were killed in that one episode).

Give her yer best - you evil, scum-sucking traitorous and murderous lot.  God is more powerful - and WILL intervene.  You will fail:


How come it is that the only way to get REAL news is to go to a two-bit blog and to Europe and our formerly sworn enemies like Russia and RT news??

We are in a police state bubble - and nothing really gets in, because our "press" is bought and sold and is monitored by military handlers for content (has since "Operation Iraqi Freedom" - isn't that an oxymoron....).  Our First Amendment is under attack and will fall the minute our Second Amendment goes down.  That will take a dump the minute the black reaper of death we have in the whorehouse gets his luciferian way with a SCOTUS pick. 

Man, do we EVER need an intervention!!:

Lord come quickly!


God/Christ are for freedom and truth.  The adversary (thru minions) carries out his works in darkness and hates light and truth.

Here ya go:

See also Secret Combinations
they conspired against him to slay him: Gen. 37:18.
all of you have conspired against me: 1 Sam. 22:8.
the conspiracy was strong: 2 Sam. 15:12.
I conspired against my master: 2 Kgs. 10:9.
king of Assyria found conspiracy in Hoshea: 2 Kgs. 17:4.
A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah: Jer. 11:9.
There is a conspiracy of her prophets: Ezek. 22:25.
more than forty which had made this conspiracy: Acts 23:13.
the secret works of those people: Alma 37:21.
Amalickiah … by his fraud … obtained the kingdom: Alma 47:35.
object of all those who belonged to his band to murder, and to rob, and to gain power: Hel. 2:8.
secret oaths and covenants did not come forth: Hel. 6:26.
In consequence of evils and designs: D&C 89:4.
do not justify sedition nor conspiracy: D&C 134:7.
because of secret works, seeking for power: Moses 6:15.


I am not losing a moment's sleep on this - but I like to be aware of any new developments.  Information is knowledge.  Knowledge is power.  You cannot make good life decisions without accurate information.  This is why you come to the Wood Zone, right?  lol

Here is a nice vid on this asteroid.  The only reason I am even watching it is I DO expect something on the Pacific.  Something will knock out the USA, either a natural or man-made disaster.  Just twiddling my thumbs waiting for it.

Here ya go:


That sickening bitty is just more than I can take some days.  The very thought of "that hideous thing" (cannot call it a her....) being the next prez is even more excruciating than dealing with the reality of the thing we have in the whorehouse right now......


Here is the latest scandalous crap coming out of the alternative media - because heaven knows the "lamstream media" is not reporting any of this.  LaVoy was presenting this very information to the people and he got ambushed and murdered for it.  These two-bit pieces of trash will most likely rot in hell for what they have done to the Constitution.  At the very least, George Washington and others will likely be there as sentinels who will decide who passes - and it WILL NOT be a pretty situation.  I would not like to be in their shoes.  While Washington was a good man, he will let his extreme displeasure be known.  I know that we will all have to pass by him - just as by every other great of time, in order to secure our place in future realms.  A generation of vipers SHALL NOT escape the damnations of hell.  I have that on pretty good authority.....:

  Link here:

Clinton Foundation took massive payoffs, promised Hammond Ranch and other publicly owned lands to Russians along with one-fifth of our uranium ore

Whore of Babylon shreds Constitution, exposed as ultimate backer of massive U.S. land grab
Related: Rancher Dwight Hammond threatened with “bullet”: Exclusive Interview
PRINCETON, Ore. (INTELLIHUB) — As it turns out there’s a lot more to the story behind the Malheur Wildlife Refuge–a whole lot more–and this article is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
As you may or may not know, Intellihub reported on Jan. 4, that the Hammond’s ranch and other ranch-lands surrounding the refuge sit atop a vast swath of precious metals, minerals, and uranium that’s heavily desired by not only the federal government, but foreign entities as well.
However, at the time of the article’s publication the federal government’s full motive to seize the land was not yet known other than the fact that these elements do exist in the vicinity and are invaluable.
Now, after further investigation, more pieces of the puzzle have been put in place and you’re not going to believe what characters are involved.
I’ll give you a hint–one of them is currently being investigated by the FBI and is also running on the Democratic ticket in hopes of becoming the next President of the United States. That’s right, you guessed it–none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton of the notorious Clinton crime family.
Hillary and her foundation are implicated in the dastardly scheme along with the Russian State Nuclear Energy Corporation, Rosatom, and a few dubious Canadian elite, which is where the news gets really bad.
Rosatom is ranked #2 globally in uranium reserves and #1 globally for annual uranium extraction. The sheer power, strength, and size of the corporation is undeniable. Rostom is a major power-player in today’s world and didn’t become that way for no reason.
You see, Rosatom wanted to expand their operations into America and needed a way in. So, in 2013, Rosatom acquired a Canadian company named Uranium One as part of a sinister side deal which involved multiple parties. Ultimately the deal opened a typically secure and closed-door, thus allowing the Russians to salt their way into Continental United States as part of a vast and extensive plan to mine Uranium ore out of states like Wyoming and Oregon.
The deal was essentially brokered by Hillary and was ran through the Clinton Foundation using Canadian-backed contributions as a cover. With one swoop of a pen the bitch sold out the American people and one-fifth of America’s uranium resources to the Russians.
In April of 2015, two reporters for the New York Times boldly reported how the plan worked:
At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.
Beyond mines in Kazakhstan that are among the most lucrative in the world, the sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.
And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.
At the time, both Rosatom and the United States government made promises intended to ease concerns about ceding control of the company’s assets to the Russians. Those promises have been repeatedly broken, records show.
Soon, Uranium One began to snap up companies with assets in the United States. In April 2007, it announced the purchase of a uranium mill in Utah and more than 38,000 acres of uranium exploration properties in four Western states, followed quickly by the acquisition of the Energy Metals Corporation and its uranium holdings in Wyoming, Texas and Utah.
That deal made clear that Uranium One was intent on becoming “a powerhouse in the United States uranium sector with the potential to become the domestic supplier of choice for U.S. utilities,” the company declared.
While the United States gets one-fifth of its electrical power from nuclear plants, it produces only around 20 percent of the uranium it needs, and most plants have only 18 to 36 months of reserves, according to Marin Katusa, author of “The Colder War: How the Global Energy Trade Slipped From America’s Grasp.”
“The Russians are easily winning the uranium war, and nobody’s talking about it,” said Mr. Katusa, who explores the implications of the Uranium One deal in his book. “It’s not just a domestic issue but a foreign policy issue, too.”
Yes, the Russians are winning the “uranium war,” thanks to Hillary.
Additionally BLM documentation shows:
In September 2011, a representative from Oregon Energy, L.L.C. (formally Uranium One), met with local citizens, and county and state officials, to discuss the possibility of opening a uranium oxide (“yellowcake”) mine in southern Malheur County in southeastern Oregon. Oregon Energy is interested in developing a 17-Claim parcel of land known as the Aurora Project through an open pit mining method. Besides the mine, there would be a mill for processing. The claim area occupies about 450 acres and is also referred to as the “New U” uranium claims.
On May 7, 2012, Oregon Energy LLC made a presentation to the BLM outlining its plans for development for the mine.
The Vale District has agreed to work with Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife on mitigation for the “New U” uranium claims, which are located in core sage grouse habitat. Although the lands encompassing the claims have been designated core, the area is frequented by rockhounds and hunters, and has a crisscrossing of off-highway vehicle (OHV) roads and other significant land disturbance from the defunct Bretz Mercury Mine, abandoned in the 1960s.
However, by the fall of 2012 the company said that it was putting its plans for the mine on hold until the uncertainty surrounding sage grouse issues was resolved.
Once again the Whore of Babylon, Hillary Clinton, her foundation, and other members of government, have literally been caught conducting illicit, illegal, and treasonous, activities right underneath the noses of the American people and are in no way being held accountable. Moreover she has the nerve to run for president! Are you kidding me?
Now Oregon Governor Kate Brown has stepped in, calling for a ‘swift’ resolution to the armed occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge, clearly shilling for the Dems, criminally assisting them with their master plan to sellout every last bit of America’s public lands to foreign entities like Uranium One, fully eviscerating whats left of the U.S. Constitution.
So there you have it–rogue criminal factions of government are operating at all levels and are actually conspiring together to allow foreign corporations to invade and mine rich American resources, including uranium, from lands owned by the people.
Uranium One’s slogan is:

“Success through aggressive mine and land acquisition.”

Additionally, President Obama has signed executive orders allowing the Department of the Interior to grab publicly owned lands.
Update 1:29 p.m.: World Net daily published an article back in 1998 titled “Federal Land Grab Called ‘Political’.” In the article he author points out how Utah Republican Jame Hansen authored a bill at the time known as the “Utah Schools and Lands Exchange Act of 1998.”
According to the report, this bill passed in June of 1998, and gave “Utah 139,000 acres of federally held land, certain mineral rights, and $50 million in exchange for all of Utah’s claims to lands within national parks, monuments, forests and federal areas” under then U.S. President Bill Clinton’s orders, further demonstration how the Clinton Crime Family has been using their vast political influence to loot some of the best assets from the Corporation of the United States, selling them for pennies on the dollar to private foreign corporations and one world bodies like the United Nations.
Additionally we find this whole animal goes back the the Ronald Regan era–and possibly further. reported back in 2004:
[…] President Ronald Reagan and his advisors looked across the West’s public lands and saw dollar signs. Money was something they desperately needed in 1982, as the national deficit hit $128 billion. So James Watt, then U.S. secretary of the Interior, and John R. Block, the secretary of Agriculture, earmarked 35 million acres, or 5 percent of the nation’s public lands (excluding Alaska), for the auction block.
The plan to privatize public lands was met with outrage and skepticism, not only from Western liberals such as Arizona Gov. Bruce Babbitt, but also from conservatives like Sen. James McClure, R-Idaho, who objected because the states were cut out of the deal. Watt eventually withdrew Interior lands from the sale; shortly thereafter, the Forest Service’s sale lost steam, too.
However unpopular the proposed sales were, they weren’t illegal. And the idea didn’t go away. The framework for selling public lands has inched forward since the Clinton administration, and now the Interior Department wants to give it a higher priority.
The 1976 Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) required the Bureau of Land Management to identify lands that were “uneconomical to manage,” or that stood in the way of a community’s development. But the BLM lacked a strong incentive to identify such sellable lands: Under FLPMA, any money received from their sale would go directly into the U.S. Treasury, rather than into the agency’s own coffers.
Then, in 2000, Congress and the Clinton administration passed the Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act (FLTFA), which changed how profits from BLM land sales were distributed. Twenty percent of any land-sale revenue would go toward the BLM’s administration costs, while the other 80 percent had to be used to buy private inholdings within BLM lands that contained “exceptional resources.” The act was based on a land disposal and acquisition mechanism in the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act of 1998, which was crafted to accommodate Las Vegas’ rapid expansion onto neighboring public lands. But FLTFA’s profit scheme applied only to sellable lands identified before July 25, 2000. At that time, the BLM estimated it had 3.3 million acres of sellable land, but thanks to better inventories, its estimate has since shrunk to as low as 330,000 acres. From 2001 to 2003, the BLM sold almost 11,000 acres under FLTFA.
Note: We know some of the land acquired by Uranium One is in Oregon and we know there are precious metals on and near the Hammond Ranch. Put two and two together. Stay tuned for more updates and confirmation as it is becoming increasingly clear that other companies and government entities are most likely also involved. 
The government, alongside private companies (including foreign-owned), are in the middle of a massive criminal land grab which the mainstream media is largely ignoring, instead opting to paint those in Oregon as crazy anti-government extremists. In other words, members of the mainstream media are directly responsible for helping to allow this takeover to happen. 
Other Sources:
Uranium prospecting in Oregon, 1956 — State of Oregon
What is that I spy east of I-17? BLM acquires more land for monument, prevents development — Daily Courier
From Russia with no love for Colorado uranium mining climate — Colorado Independent
All Oregon Dockets — USGS
Presidential Memorandum — America’s Great Outdoors —
Public Versus Private Property Rights —
About Uranium One —
What was the Whitewater scandal? — Investopedia
Image: Valsts kanceleja/State Chancellery/Flickr


I thought this was well-said.  I especially like the end of the article.  I talk about the wicked - but judge no one.  I do not have the keys since I am imperfect (by a long stretch) myself.  BUT - God HAS defined the standard (minimum requirements to dwell eternally in His presence), so I preach to that standard - while falling short.

Here it is:

3 Shocking Secrets of the Mormon Church

WLW Features - Mormons
I’m sure from the outside, I don’t seem very standard when it comes to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I’m a writer (a horror writer at the current moment), I have one child, and my house is a constant disaster. When people find out that I’m Mormon, they don’t say, “Oh, I thought so. You seemed like a Mormon.” They usually just give me a wide-eyed fish face and say, “Do they let people like you in the church?”
That’s just it: They do let people like me in the church.
Now, I’m not here to convert your soul or tell you a bunch of sugar-coated nonsense. I’m here to tell you the truth (as I see it). Perhaps if you know the secrets of the church, it will give you some better perspective on why we do what we do.

1. Mormons Brainwash Their Kids

From a very young age, children are taught tenets of the church that completely alter how they view reality. Don’t believe me? Ask a kid any question about God or church doctrine and you’ll get the same stock answers every time.
Q: “What can we do if we are feeling confused about what is the right thing to do?”
A: “Study it in our minds, read the scriptures, pray, go to church, listen to the Spirit.”
Q: “How can we know Jesus Christ better?
A: “Study it in our minds, read the scriptures, pray, go to church, listen to the Spirit.”
Granted, there’s an argument to be made here about the validity of these stock Mormon responses.
What are the ways that we can grow closer to God? What are the ways that we can find answers? What are the ways that we can foster positive relationships with other people? If you asked any religious person in any part of the world, even people who are not Mormon, they would tell you that these answers are ones that most often bring peace and understanding.
So, sure. We brainwash our kids, and ourselves for that matter. Just like we brainwash kids to know their ABCs and count to 20. But, when it comes to the big trials of life, those times when it’s easy to lose your way and forget to hope, these answers are the ones that become anchors and lead to knowledge rather than despair.

2. Mormon Women Are Not Treated the Same As Men

Hey, guys! Just in case you didn’t know, this isn’t a picture of me. This is Al Fox, and you can click it to read some of her incredible blog posts.
In the LDS church, women and men are not treated the same. Men are given ecclesiastical leadership, especially over building maintenance, financial recording, and official discipline. Women are given responsibility over the women, the children, and making sure the men are getting their jobs done.
There is some outside perception that the church demeans women by not allowing them to hold the roles of patriarchs, bishops, and priests. These people state that women should be given the exact same roles as men in order to make them equal.
Unfortunately, these individuals are operating under a false assumption or two.
A) Fair is the same as equal.
B) Perfect equality is the only way to maintain the human right of freedom.
In the LDS church, women are not treated the same as men. Much like in a marriage, each gender has a different role and responsibility. And each household has their own version of that gender responsibility. In my house, my husband takes out the trash and I put in the new trash bag. It’s not because he’s better than me, or I’m more responsible than him. It’s just the way our house works.
In the Lord’s house, women care for children, care for other women, provide music, teach classes, and preach from the pulpit. Men perform baptisms, blessings, and become prophets, bishops, or patriarchs. This is not because one gender is better or more qualified. It’s just separation of roles in order to maintain an organized household.
This is not to say that women aren’t given leadership roles in the LDS church. They are leaders over the Relief Society, the largest and oldest worldwide women’s organization. They are leaders over the Primary, the childrens’ organization. They are leaders over the Young Women’s organization. Each of these areas relies on women leading, guiding, and teaching. Their voices are heard and they are valuable role models for people in the Mormon church around the world.

3. Mormons Don’t Believe in Moral Relativism

In physics, there are laws. Immutable laws that don’t break. Gravity bends and reacts to things, but it never ceases to function. Actions require energy and lead to proportional reactions. That is the same truth no matter where you go in our universe.
As Latter-day Saints, we believe that God’s laws are just as immutable. We believe that the universe is based on the concepts of faith, love, and action. We believe light and dark are diametrically opposed and yet present in each person. We believe that the ability to choose between these opposing forces (“free will”) is the most valuable gift on this planet, and that God will not interfere with our ability to prove the measure of our souls with our daily choices.
There are two kinds of choices: God-centered (or Love-centered) and self-centered. Self-centered choices (the “eat, drink, and be merry plan”) don’t fulfill our deeper need for meaning. They focus only on our own pleasure, and eventually lead to misery. I’m not talking about a pit of fire with a pitchforked devil. I’m talking about regret. About bitterness. About selfishness that consumes. These are miseries unto themselves, and the true fruits of choosing our own desires over God’s law.
God-centered choices help us grow in our capacity to truly love others. These choices lead to increasing amounts of light, goodness, and an ability to help others. These choices lead to true freedom. Not the ability to do whatever the crap we want to do all the time. That’s the world’s definition of freedom, and this kind of “free” people are often very unhappy.  No, choosing the right allows you to do as many things that bring love and goodness into the world as you want. It brings never-ending peace and joy.
And so, we can’t stand with the world that says it’s okay to do whatever you want. The fact is, you don’t know who your decisions are harming and you often want things that will not bring you long-term joy. Although you don’t feel that your self-interested choices are hurting anyone, you don’t know how they will affect your future, your marriage, your children, or your grandchildren.
But God does. And that’s why he has given you tools (scriptures, conscience, good advice, that-thing-in-your-chest-that-tells-you-not-to-steal-babies) to help you make love-centered choices.

In Summary: Cookies

Mormons aren’t here to make you feel bad. We’re not self-righteously applauding our amazingness and pitying your stupidity for not being as good as we are. We don’t knock on doors to increase our membership numbers so that we can win some invisible Race of Righteousness.
Instead, we tell people what we know because we believe that it will bring them long-term happiness. We believe that the laws of God are given as guides so that we can find joy in this world and in the next. All we want to do is share them with people. All we want to do is tell our secrets and give others a chance to test the secrets for themselves.
And, of course, we also make amazing cookies.

Looking for More? Check these out!


BTW - I do not have a testimony of a callout, per-se.  I have a working belief that it could happen this way.  Right now, I have ZERO from a top-down indication that it will happen, so I just have to rely on others' experiences as far as dreams/visions/prophecy go.  I think the reason why I have not seen anything related to it, is that I have executed a familial callout for those who are worthy of the privilege of it.  The rest, who reject sound counsel simply will perish with the wicked who have embedded themselves deeply within the dreamy confines of babylon, fettered with flaxen cords of "All is well in Zion!!".

We DO happen to have ample scriptural precedent for a calling out before calamities.  We have Enoch (analgous to our day), Moses, Lehi, the Jaredites, the Mulekites (literally hundreds of others in scripture and out of scripture), where the Lord had led the righteous out before dropping the hammer.  I would love to make a master list of those I am aware of......

Of course, the modern ones are driving of the Saints out of the USA in order to effect the harvest of the wicked in the Civil War - the war to start all wars.  We are about to get into the big one where the purge happens first amongst the Saints, then this country generally.  When the general purge is in effect, people will most likely be taken to places of refuge. 

I have recently come across some information of great interest that I will pass along as time permits in regards to callouts.

Here is the Isaiah connection.  Very interesting - and I give credit to those who have the gift to ferret this stuff out of Isaiah.  I know the words are supposed to be plain and simple - but not necessarily to me.....:
Isaiah 57:1 from the King James version and then the Isaiah Institute Translation version.
Isaiah 57:1 (King James Translation) The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come.
Isaiah 57:1 (Isaiah Institute Translation) The righteous disappear, and no man gives it a thought; the godly are gathered out, but no one perceives that from impending calamity the righteous are withdrawn.

Reminds me of the injunction of Matthew 24 - to get out when impending calamity is near.  When they are declaring peace - just as they now are in Syria.  I am going to re-visit those verses once again.  When it seemed that all was well, Jesus' extended family just slipped away and disappeared into the sunset for France, England and parts unknown.  Having the Spirit is paramount.

Monday, February 22, 2016


This is a journal entry.  I am working on a wind power project and vibration may be a real issue.

This is a good representation of what happens in turbulent airflow around a column:

We use strakelets on wings and jet engine nacelles.

No doom here - unless you forget to check for the natural frequency of an object related to airflow around it.....


Wow - saw this on FB from a friend that is a huge WoW advocate (eat meat sparingly).

I respect her greatly for her stance on the matter:

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
The Council of The Twelve
47 E. South Temple Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
December 30, 1966
El Paso, Texas
Dear Sister,
This is my answer to you in relation to President Brigham Young's statement that mother's should not feed their small children meat. Yes! Small children do not need the flesh of animals. May I add also that adults would be better if they would refrain from too much eating of meat. As far as I am concerned I will be contented if the Millennium was to be ushered in next week. When it is, we will learn that the eating of meat is not good for us. Why do we feel that we do not have s square meal unless it is based largely on meat? Let the dumb animals live. They enjoy life as well as we do.
In the beginning the Lord granted to man the use of flesh of certain animals. See Genesis 9:1-6, but with so many fruits of the soil and from trees of the earth, why cannot man be content? Naturally in times of famine the flesh of animals was perhaps a necessity, but in my judgement when the Millennium reaches us, we will live above the need of killing dumb innocent animals and eating them. If we will take this stand in my judgement we may live longer.
Very sincerely,
Joseph Fielding Smith


I have said many times that Joseph Smith was analgous to Enoch (came before Noah).  I have also said that it will be a small remnant that will be saved in the end (not the billions that many imagine).

Love this meme by Awaken:


I know this is how you get through difficult things:
Our list for temple blessings keep getting longer but I thought you might enjoy this most recent addition:

In the video: Elder Dale G. Renlund said, “I promise you protection for you and your family as you take this challenge, to find as many names to take to the temple as ordinances you perform in the temple, and teach others to do the same.  Not just baptisms, all temple ordinances. And if you accept this challenge, blessings will begin to flow to you and your family.  You’ll find not only protection from the temptation and ills of this world, but you’ll also find personal power, power to change, power to repent, power to learn, power to be sanctified and power to turn the hearts of your family together, and heal that which needs healing.”

The temple is an amazing refuge from the storms of life.

Friday, February 19, 2016


This from a friend in S. Alberta:

We went to visit another "awake" couple that we've been friends with for over 30 years and it is a true blessing to have someone close to talk to that is indeed also awake. Anyway; spent the weekend including Sunday services and after an early dinner watched the Cokeville Miracle which brought a nice spirit around us. Then our friends got a call from a newly active member prepper friend whose wife is taking the discussions. He's been living off the grid for 12 years and our friend wanted us to see his solar panel system. Anyway we headed off to visit them some 20 klms out in the middle of no where. Well, after a tour of their "farm" we all sat down to talk about various things but then I noticed he was wearing his garments (can tell by the collar under his shirt.) and I was prompted to ask him if he had ever heard about George A Smith's vision. He had not but was interested and we mentioned a few things that were in the vision but then I asked him him if he had ever read the Cardston temple vision, he said maybe. I read him the last page from my Kindle and he sat up and said he had that read to him by a 70 (couldn't remember the name but that he told great stories and after a little searching in google for 70s in 1989 found out it was Paul H Dunn) at a meeting he was invited to in 1989 in Cardston Alberta. (he later explained that shortly after the meeting he had marital problems, divorced and left Cardston but the meeting was the reason why he started prepping and living off the grid.) Anyway; he told us that at this meeting he was shown maps of the place the church was setting up for a gathering of people in the "last days". He said that he was told it was in an area west of Cardston and up against the mountains. He said that the reason why this place was picked was because there is a 3% coverage from the mountains that allow anything that was in the sky to go over the area and not "rain down" on that area. He thought radiation. He said they had plans for storage inside the mountain coal tunnels and that he took notes but it had been 20+ years so he didn't know for sure but that if we gave him a couple of weeks he would dig through his stuff in the basement and see if he could find any of them. You said that others in the Cardston area have had dreams or visions about troops. What do you know? What have you heard.


We are pretty much there right now.  Make no mistake about it - the author of that ideology is clearly satan himself.  People here on this earth have taken the torch in corporeal form - and they are running with it.  People have been confused and misled to follow and support that ideology.

If you support Obama - or Bernie Sanders - or Hitlery; you are voting for the forces of evil and bad in this country.  Part of the reason I run this blog and put the amount of time and energy into it, is because I simply want to have my hands clean from the blood and sins of this generation.....

A must see:
It would be good to show it to teens and family - they have done a full court press on the Millennials and they are being deceived in massive numbers.  Especially on the morality - no God themes.  I have seen family member after family member that are too weak spiritually and intellectually, fall for this tripe.  It is distressing to say the least.  
What can you do?  Agency is greater than all and each man/woman must answer for themselves in the final analysis and judgment of this mortal sojourn.


Wow - interesting.

I have not been able to verify this - but it is from Heather at Awaken - so I would not doubt it.  She is an LDS Breitbart - but hopefully does not meet the same fate for speaking out.....:

Pure coincidence that Justice Scalia died in the same day he may have had a secret meeting with Obama on the flight to Obama's friend's ranch? And why is this news not being reported in the US?
If you don't see it you don't see it, but if a boss has employees who don't do as he asks, he fires or demotes them. If a parent has a disobedient child, that child is punished. If one doesn't do well on a test, a bad grade is the result... If a dictator wishes to surround himself with "friends," they will be friends who heed him. If they are not on his same page, he removes them. Mosiah 29 describes how this works... and parallels our day so well.
US Supreme Court Justice Scalia Had Secret Texas Meeting With Obama Just Hours Before His Death |…/us-supreme-court-justice-scalia-h…/
"In latter-day scriptures, secret combinations are groups of conspirators who plot and initiate "works of darkness" for evil and selfish purposes. Secret combinations have existed since the days of Cain (Moses 5:51). Satan is their author (2 Ne. 26:22), power and gain are their motives (Ether 8:15, 25), and conspiracy is their method of operation (Hel. 6:22-24). Secret combinations may be brotherhoods, groups, societies, or governments. They operate in secrecy to perform evil acts for the purpose of gaining power over the minds and actions of people.
"They defile, defraud, murder, deceive, and destroy the elements of good government, religious or secular.
"In the contemporary world, secret combinations take various forms and operate at different levels of society. They are expressed in organized crime and in religious, economic, and political conspiracies. The Lord has warned that secret combinations will be present in modern society (D&C 38:29; Ether 8:20-25)."
Secret Combinations - The Encyclopedia of Mormonism

Thursday, February 18, 2016


With the billions from the oil, you would think so.  They will try and stay ahead of their enemies in Iran.

Also - a deterrent from Russia using tactical nukes on their troops as they invade into Syria (against Russian interests).

This is really getting dicey!:

Buckle up.


This happened with Shawna when she thought I would not be there to provide for the girls.

Women are like moths to flames......
Bill Clinton was elected by women.


I like what this guy usually has to say on living off-grid.

He is speaking pure truth here:

What can we do? 
Pray for Jesus' return as quickly as possible.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Oh, my heck.  The first thought I had is that this thing will be in a major EQ zone.  Are they nuts??!??

It will be a mile high.  Wow.

I find it interesting that we are busy building these monuments to arrogance and humanistic hubris at a time when the very thing that was wiped out in the first attempt at reaching heaven, will be brought back as we enter the Millennium (the Adamic language will return - replacing English as the official language of the earth).  If you have not thought about it, the city of Enoch and the speakers of ancient Hebrew who return with their superior technology and higher principles of living - will be the conquerors; and thus their language will be the new world language.....

So, as the language was confounded after the first massive tower attempt, with only the Jaredites speaking it - who then lost it as they self-annihilated in this land due to wickedness - so it will be returned.

Here is the article that had me shaking my head:

Funny that these big projects are always proposed on the eves of the biggest crashes.  Empire state building, Burj Khalifa and now this.  Brilliant..... Kind of the last ditch attempt to breathe life into the beast.....


I have learned to be a lot more kind as time goes on.  People that are not capable of being kind or who are toxic and are not capable of receiving kindness, I simply turn off and avoid.  That includes the perennial gossipers, etc.  Who needs the drama?

In life, we simply should be more kind.  It will be one of the qualifiers to be in God's presence.  It is a sub-set of charity.  It makes life a lot more easier to swallow - kind of like jam on dry, burned biscuits.....:

Burned Biscuits - A lesson we all should learn.
When I was a kid, my Mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, my Mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely burned biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed!
All my dad did was reach for his biscuit, smile at my Mom and ask me how my day was at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that ugly burned biscuit. He ate every bite of that thing...never made a face nor uttered a word about it!
When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my Mom apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits. And I'll never forget what he said, "Honey, I love burned biscuits every now and then."
Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, "Your Mom put in a hard day at work today and she's real tired. And besides--a little burned biscuit never hurt anyone!"
As I've grown older, I've thought about that many times. Life is full of imperfect things and imperfect people.
I'm not the best at hardly anything, and I forget birthdays and anniversaries just like everyone else. But what I've learned over the years is that learning to accept each other's faults and choosing to celebrate each other’s differences is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship.
And that's my prayer for you today...that you will learn to take the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of your life and lay them at the feet of God. Because in the end, He's the only One who will be able to give you a relationship where a burnt biscuit isn't a deal-breaker!
We could extend this to any relationship. In fact, understanding is the base of any relationship, be it a husband-wife or parent-child or friendship!
"Don't put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket--keep it in your own."
So, please pass me a biscuit, and yes, the burned one will do just fine.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
"Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil--it has no point"


Something is causing the spike in cancer rates in the USA.

Methinks we have some evil people at the helm.....:

Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered
by The Daily Coin · February 10, 2016
 6213  96  37  6590
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By: Jack Murphy, Neon Nettle
Nagalese prevents vitamin D being produced In the body
Not long ago, Neon Nettle reported on the epidemic of doctors being murdered, most of which were in Florida, U.S. The scientists all shared a common trait, they had all discovered that nagalase enzyme protein was being added to vaccines which were then administrated to humans.
Nagalese is what prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, which is the body’s main defence to naturally kill cancer cells.
According to Nagalase is a protein that’s also created by all cancer cells. This protein is also found in very high concentrations in autistic children. And they’re PUTTING it in our vaccines!!
This prevents the body from utilizing the Vitamin D necessary to fight cancer and prevent autism. Nagalese disables the immune system. It’s also known to cause Type 2 Diabetes. So basically…they weren’t killing these doctors because they had found the cure to cancer or were successfully treating autism… they’re killing them because these Dr’s had been researching and had the evidence that the vaccines they’re injecting our precious children with are CAUSING our current cancer and autism crisis!!
And that it’s obviously being done knowingly and on purpose! The Dr’s they killed in FL had been collaborating and were getting ready to go public with the information.
Depopulation 101..add poison to vaccines…make it law that all children must be injected to attend school. Slow kill methods. They think they’re being fair w/ their “survival of the fittest” type mentality. Only the best genes survive? These people have no souls.
Dr Ted Broer broke it on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report and it took them a whole hour just to get him on air b/c their 3 hour show was brought down and every line they tried to use kept disconnecting…and then their servers were brought down.
They asked a bunch of ppl to pray against the attack and then finally got him on a secured line..and so a full hour into the show they were finally back on the air and connected to Dr Broer and the first thing he said was “I am in no way suicidal.” He was super nervous holding onto this info…afraid he’d be taken out Hastings style before he got a chance to say it publicly. So listen to this short clip of him breaking the story.
It’s a 19 min clip but the most important info is heard within the first 10 min. It is def some of the most important news Ive ever heard. And it needs to go viral.
- See more at:

Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered

 6213  96  37  6590
Share68 Share37  68By: Jack Murphy, Neon Nettle
Nagalese prevents vitamin D being produced In the body
Not long ago, Neon Nettle reported on the epidemic of doctors being murdered, most of which were in Florida, U.S. The scientists all shared a common trait, they had all discovered that nagalase enzyme protein was being added to vaccines which were then administrated to humans. (SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO)
Nagalese is what prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, which is the body’s main defence to naturally kill cancer cells.
According to Nagalase is a protein that’s also created by all cancer cells. This protein is also found in very high concentrations in autistic children. And they’re PUTTING it in our vaccines!!
This prevents the body from utilizing the Vitamin D necessary to fight cancer and prevent autism. Nagalese disables the immune system. It’s also known to cause Type 2 Diabetes. So basically…they weren’t killing these doctors because they had found the cure to cancer or were successfully treating autism… they’re killing them because these Dr’s had been researching and had the evidence that the vaccines they’re injecting our precious children with are CAUSING our current cancer and autism crisis!!
And that it’s obviously being done knowingly and on purpose! The Dr’s they killed in FL had been collaborating and were getting ready to go public with the information.
Depopulation 101..add poison to vaccines…make it law that all children must be injected to attend school. Slow kill methods. They think they’re being fair w/ their “survival of the fittest” type mentality. Only the best genes survive? These people have no souls.
Dr Ted Broer broke it on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report and it took them a whole hour just to get him on air b/c their 3 hour show was brought down and every line they tried to use kept disconnecting…and then their servers were brought down.
They asked a bunch of ppl to pray against the attack and then finally got him on a secured line..and so a full hour into the show they were finally back on the air and connected to Dr Broer and the first thing he said was “I am in no way suicidal.” He was super nervous holding onto this info…afraid he’d be taken out Hastings style before he got a chance to say it publicly. So listen to this short clip of him breaking the story.
It’s a 19 min clip but the most important info is heard within the first 10 min. It is def some of the most important news Ive ever heard. And it needs to go viral.
- See more at:

Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered

 6213  96  37  6590
Share68 Share37  68By: Jack Murphy, Neon Nettle
Nagalese prevents vitamin D being produced In the body
Not long ago, Neon Nettle reported on the epidemic of doctors being murdered, most of which were in Florida, U.S. The scientists all shared a common trait, they had all discovered that nagalase enzyme protein was being added to vaccines which were then administrated to humans. (SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO)
Nagalese is what prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, which is the body’s main defence to naturally kill cancer cells.
According to Nagalase is a protein that’s also created by all cancer cells. This protein is also found in very high concentrations in autistic children. And they’re PUTTING it in our vaccines!!
This prevents the body from utilizing the Vitamin D necessary to fight cancer and prevent autism. Nagalese disables the immune system. It’s also known to cause Type 2 Diabetes. So basically…they weren’t killing these doctors because they had found the cure to cancer or were successfully treating autism… they’re killing them because these Dr’s had been researching and had the evidence that the vaccines they’re injecting our precious children with are CAUSING our current cancer and autism crisis!!
And that it’s obviously being done knowingly and on purpose! The Dr’s they killed in FL had been collaborating and were getting ready to go public with the information.
Depopulation 101..add poison to vaccines…make it law that all children must be injected to attend school. Slow kill methods. They think they’re being fair w/ their “survival of the fittest” type mentality. Only the best genes survive? These people have no souls.
Dr Ted Broer broke it on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report and it took them a whole hour just to get him on air b/c their 3 hour show was brought down and every line they tried to use kept disconnecting…and then their servers were brought down.
They asked a bunch of ppl to pray against the attack and then finally got him on a secured line..and so a full hour into the show they were finally back on the air and connected to Dr Broer and the first thing he said was “I am in no way suicidal.” He was super nervous holding onto this info…afraid he’d be taken out Hastings style before he got a chance to say it publicly. So listen to this short clip of him breaking the story.
It’s a 19 min clip but the most important info is heard within the first 10 min. It is def some of the most important news Ive ever heard. And it needs to go viral.
- See more at: