Tuesday, January 5, 2016


This is a great talk from President Kimball.  Many today might easily be offended by this subject - and why is that?  Because we are obsessed with the things of the world.  This entire nation is so fixated on things of a telestial nature that the only "fix" for the situation is to so utterly deprive the citizens of all of their things for so long that they come no more to their remembrance.

This is how the Lord removed the idols from the hearts of the original Chosen People after their telestial sojourn in Egypt.  In fact, they were told to wander until the entire original generation had expired in the desert.  Extreme?  Yep!

Necessary?  Yep!  We are a fickle people as children of God.  How exasperating it must be to witness our behavior as a Father.......  And so it goes.  When we are all stripped of our things, so that we might be fully stripped of our pride - do not mourn or even be surprised.  It is all part of the deal:

President Kimball:

Enoch, too, was a man of great faith who would not be distracted from his duties by the enemy: “And so great was the faith of Enoch, that he led the people of God, and their enemies came to battle against them; and he spake the word of the Lord, and the earth trembled, and the mountains fled, even according to his command; and the rivers of water were turned out of their course; and the roar of the lions was heard out of the wilderness; and all nations feared greatly, so powerful was the word of Enoch.” (Moses 7:13.)

     Link to the talk:  https://www.lds.org/ensign/1976/06/the-false-gods-we-worship?lang=eng

Thanks, Kimberly for submitting.  I have not met a Kim that I do not like..... :)


  1. It is all earthly idols we must repent of, including those that have us look to them and set themselves up as a light...only Christ can save us, so get connected to Him! (2 Nephi 4:34) If we reverence our leaders in such a manner, then we have elevated them to idol status and to our damnation.

  2. I am disgusted with the smartphone idolatry. A friend emailed me cartoons today. It shows tan lines of hands holding smartphones on bellies of sun bathers, newbies in the World of Spirits looking down at empty hands trying to text, a kid on a soccer field, head down/crying because the rest of the kds are sitting on benches texting, one of a man who gives orders to his smartphone who says "y y yes master" and the roles reversed when the smartphone then tells him what to do because of incoming messages and he's now the one saying "y y yes master"., people using blind person's canes to get about while glued to smartphones, a wedding cake topper of texting bride and groom, a woman who asks a guy if she can glue his smartphone to her forehead so she can pretend he's looking at her while she talks, people recording a drowning man instead of helping him, and a guy wearing one of those animal protective plastic tubes on his head at a bar to keep him from looking at his phone every 2 seconds so he can actually meet a woman and talk to her.

    Uhhh yeah between this, celebrating the lifestyles of the Kartrashian types, Hollywood, Sports Stars, reality TV, Taylor Swift and others celeb Illumaniti types who've sold their souls literally to the devil, WE ARE IN A LOT OF TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!

    Putting GOD FIRST is the only thing that will save us.

  3. P.S. I just learned that in Joel 2:30 when he says he saw pillars of smoke.....in Hebrew he literally said "palm trees of smoke". If you go look at some pics of nuke clouds, you will see that they do indeed look like palm trees!
