Thursday, January 28, 2016


If you vote for the hag or support her in any way, you are part of the problem and have blood on your hands - so very much more than this:

The nice thing is that Jesus will take the trash to the curb.  I look forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. You know that all the despotic things that occur in our government and society are largely ignored by the media. There is no such thing as freedom of the press when so heavily controlled. I wonder about who the media are - are they more than just blind ignorant leftist ideologues, when they must know that big business, finance et al, heavily influence what they report. Are there any in the media who see this corruption and say nothing for fear, or do they figure it is acceptable as long as their leftist ideals are furthered no matter the costs?
    The latter are truly evil. When things come apart I hope they get to experience what its like to break a few eggs to make an omelet and realize their part.
