Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Well, this whole hullaballoo in France is just one more thing - just one more nail in the world politics coffin.

When they exercised article 5, it officially dragged all of Europe (via NATO) into this.  The damnedest thing is that the nation which created and is still supplying this ISIS thing is now unofficially at war with it.  This is the most convoluted mess that can be conjured up.  Beyond explicable to me!!  Right now the d'evil is running amok and I am sure this is how he runs his kingdom and - if it is like this - I want NO part of it.  Even if it were packaged in rose-scented, butterfly print paper.  Poop still stinks like poop - no matter how you package it.....  So do the policies of the anti-Christ, we have in obummer.

If you missed it in a previous post, this 15 year old Israeli kid fingered bummer as the dude and that all hell is about to break loose.  He also said that a nuke will hit Tel Aviv (also, one for Haifa), just as Sarah Menet and I have been calling for a few years now.  I give credit to her for the original statement.  I give credit to myself for backing it.  It takes a large amount of cahuna of the tuna to make a call out of the blue, putting your name and reputation on the line (she has been filleted and made into sushi over this call), and substantially less to make one (for five or more years now on my blog), backing that call.  You get branded - until the crud hits the oscillator and then people come crawling to you asking what else you know.  By then, it is usually too little, too late.....

But I digress, we now have all of N. America, parts of Central America, Brazil (part of BRIC bloc), Russia, India and China are all on board and soon, we will surely have the UN fully sucked into the vortex and sinking rapidly in a dizzying sucking sound.

Then, something snaps after the tension-filled build-up (guessing that Israel finally decides to out itself with its capability and nuke someone), and then, they get nuked.  This turns the attention towards Israel and everyone descends from Syria into Israel for the final kill (or so they think).  This finishes off much of the world's military capability and the Millennium can conceivably begin to start (at least in principle) at this point.

Boy, are you getting excited??  I know I am.

Here is the guts of this interview with this NDE Israeli boy:

Before people get all caught up on the details, let me be very clear.  Fools mock, but they shall mourn.  You will find that these NDEs are in a form that is relatable often only to the recipient.  IE; a Catholic will see friars in brown robes, a Mormon will see those who come to get them in the temple clothing they are accustomed to, etc etc.

I NEVER throw the baby out with the bathwater.....  He CALLED it perfectly.  Either it is a cruel and well-planned hoax, or it is sincere.  The Spirit (if you have it) will discern the truth.

1 comment:

  1. First of all I believe the young man. The 38 minute version cuts it off but I noticed something. If you watch this version with no English subtitles and get to that 38:46 minute mark, when someone in the audience asks him a question, he turns around and looks at the man in the white shirt/silver beard who seems to have had a prominent presence in the room. The man looks directly at him and gives him a look like, "NO! do not reveal a certain detail". I don't know if this man is another rabbi or the man's father but it would seem he KNOWS intimate details about the boy's vision. That's why I'm so desperate to know how much in this interview comes out about Yeshua HaMashiach being identified to the boy as Jesus the Christ. Wow! What a pot stirring thing this would be for Israel indeed!

    I've been trying to find help with the translation to no avail. I hope someone makes a copy of this video before it gets scrubbed. And I hope someone soon is kind enough to give us the closest translation in English possible. I'm studying Hebrew but can only pick out the simple words. They speak so fast! Ughh!

    If there was a synagogue where I live, I would take a copy to them and ask someone to help.
