Friday, June 12, 2015


There is talk of a hall of records (repository) to be built in the AOA area.

Here is a comment from a reader that is pretty much a wake-up call related to the John Taylor prophecy statement:
I went to a Family History training a couple of months ago and the guy training the class was a software engineer for the Family Search website. It got my attention when he said the Church was in the process of setting up a server in Missouri to back-up the Family Search records.

If so, it would seem to be a harbinger of things to come according to the John Taylor prophecy:

Here is part of John Taylor's vision (known as the Horseshoe Prophecy):

"....He stated that he saw that Salt Lake City would become a great city with many beautiful paved roads and streets of cement construction, and that the people had become wealthy. He saw that the city extended almost to the point of the mountain south of the new 1951 State prison.

The people, he saw, had become quite indifferent to the counsel and advice of the authorities of the church, and were more interested in the accumulation of wealth than they were in living their religion. He told mother that he saw that war had been started, and that so great was the destruction of life within the city that blood ran down the gutters as though it were streams of water, and the violence was such that it would cause the destruction of the beautiful city. The people were fighting among themselves until it became necessary to remove the church records across the Colorado river.

President Taylor said to mother, "If you are alive at that time, be sure that you are not behind the Church records, because after the Church records leave and are made secure, the very powers of hell would be turned loose, and there will be such destruction that there will be but little life remain, ---not only in Salt Lake City, but in adjoining cities also. And in Jackson County, Missouri civilization will become entirely extinct, and all means of transportation such as rail roads and highways will be destroyed, and the only means of travel will be on foot.

All means of manufacturing will also be entirely destroyed. Be sure when you see these things come that you have buttons, needles, cloth and things to work with as much as possible, to make yourselves clothing, because all tools and every kind of machinery will be destroyed. It will be such a destructive war that in comparison to the sufferings and the drivings of the people of Nauvoo, it would be only a drop in the bucket.

"One half of the Mormon people will entirely forsake their leaders, and half of the other half, because of their suffering, will leave the church. Many Mormons will die in the struggle, but the Lord will bless those who stick faithfully to the church and will bless them to the extent that they will not be destroyed....."

One can read the tea leaves and only surmise that we are close to big things.  Remember to always stick with the Prophet, the MAJORITY of the Twelve Apostles and the records of the Church.  Remember that the records of the Church are it's legal authority.  No records - no authority (as far as man goes) - and thus the reason that we have The Book of Life, etc in heaven.  The scrolls in a synagogue are also what gives someone who is Jewish their genealogy and thus, their legal right to rule and reign in the House of Israel (if you are descended from Judah), etc.  That is why the records are so important.


  1. Does anyone have any insight on what this phrase means from the above vision?

    Be sure that you are NOT BEHIND the Church records, because after the Church records leave and are made secure, the very powers of hell would be turned loose,...

    What does the Not Behind mean?

    1. If I had to take a guess, I would say, make sure your name is worthy to be found in the church records and not on the outside, or left behind. We know the Day of Atonement is a day and an hour when the books are finalized and closed by the Lord, leaving your fate sealed until the next Day of Atonement comes around.

      So be good! Make sure you're name is written in the records of the Lord/Church. If it isn't, you're left to endure Tribulation. And remember, "the day and hour no man knoweth". WHICH Day and Hour in September is He going to return and wrap things up?

      Just my best guess is all. Hope it helps.

  2. I went to a Family History training a couple of months ago and the guy training the class was a software engineer for the Family Search website. It got my attention when he said the Church was in the process of setting up a server in Missouri to back-up the Family Search records.

  3. What about the MAJORITY of the apostles statement? Are some of them wolves in sheep's clothing? I will follow the Lord's prophet and the Holy Ghost. Can't fall doing that. However, I think the tough stuff will come when there are "messengers" who say we're supposed to do this or that and we will need the Holy Ghost MORE THAN ANYTHING to know if it's really coming from the General Authorities.

    Every day feels like a slippery slope and the calm before the big storm hits.
