Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Is this guy going off the rails, or what?


  1. In St. Malachy’s “Prophecies of the Popes”, he states that the last pope would be called “Petrus Romanus” or Peter the Roman. Could it be that Pope Francis is truly fulfilling this role?

    Peter was a devout follower of Christ. But Rome was the epitome of man’s might and conquest. Rome was the shining star of a Godless society - the home of modern Babylon and all of her dark wonders. And to be a “Roman” was to embody these values, to spread the conquest, and build the glory of Rome.

    Most of today’s societies could be called “Roman” as their ideals and values are the same.

    While Pope Francis plays the role as a “follower of Christ”, he is truly a man of men – a peddler of Babylon and her worldwide fornications. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. St. Malachy does not prophesize him as Peter the Disciple of Christ, but rather Peter the Disciple of Babylon.

    St. Malachy continues “He will pasture his sheep in many tribulations”. Sheep will follow the shepherd they choose. And the pope will lead his “sheep”, but who is to say that the pope’s “sheep” are the same followers of Christ at heart? Could it be better interpreted that these “sheep” are the followers of Babylon and they will follow their shepherd – the Roman? And the “many tribulations” are the divine punishments from a disappointed Father?

    When the time comes, who will we follow - Peter the Roman or Jesus the Christ?

  2. I don't entirely disagree with the Pope. Gods house is a house of order. God created everything including science. There is a process that takes place for everything in life and it makes sense that that the way things are created is through the science that He established. Am I way off base?

  3. I am SO SICK of Latter-day Saints accepting the theories of men as Gospel and/or mixing them with the truths of the Gospel (i.e. the philosophies of men mingled with scripture.) I want to ask them, "So... when you attend the temple... do you feel just like a child watching a theatrical production of Hansel and Gretel or some other fairy story? Because if you don't believe this thing is literal, WHY are you even here?"

  4. Ok well Katie, you are the kind of Latter Day Saint that I would like to ask, Why are you so jUDGEMENTAL? Follow Christs example PLEASE!

  5. Anonymous, I would return the same question. Who said I was judging you or anybody else? What I am doing is wondering; asking an honest question based on the things that I have been taught are true. Assuming you are LDS, do you believe the story of our origins told in the House of the Lord or don't you? I believe the story, but you are free to believe it or not.

    Furthermore, God NEVER told us not to judge righteous judgement. I would like to assume that when I attend the temple, I am rubbing shoulders with people who cherish what I cherish, and believe what I believe. But if this isn't so, then the reality is that I am sitting in a room of wheat and tares. The reality is that I am sitting in a room with two groups of people: those under the power of God and those under the power of Satan.

    For more on judgement, standards and truth, I would refer you to the excellent talk by Elder D Todd Christofferson: Saving Your Life.
