Monday, March 23, 2015


This borders on pure madness.....


  1. This is from 1962! Elder H. Verlan Andersen. The LAST paragraph falls right in line with what you just posted here IRAQ.

    When a government encourages and advocates the belief that force may be used by groups, acting together through government to despoil others of their property, the reliance upon force becomes accepted. As the reliance upon force becomes accepted and as the numbers increase who depend upon government largesse, the greater becomes the problem of restraining this group when government can no longer supply their demands.

    The government must resort to force to keep them in place when their demands reach that point (which they soon will), where it is impossible to give them what they ask. Civil war will occur just as it did in Rome. (CHICAGO'S TIME IS FAST APPROACHING)

    There are always large numbers in any society who are industrious and thrifty and who respect the rights of others to own and control property. These people know within themselves that it is morally wrong for the government to take from them the fruits of their own labors and saving practices and give to those who won’t work and won’t save.

    As the immoral practice of government grows, disrespect
    for law also grows. They no longer can be counted on to uphold and obey a law they know is immoral and is at variance with their conscience. The foundation of any stable government is respect and voluntary obedience by the masses of the people. When this is destroyed, free government is no longer possible and dictatorship becomes the only answer.

    Such a form of government must resort to a policy of foreign war to keep the people united in any respect. They must conduct a war against some real or imagined foreign government and cry danger in order to get any support.

  2. Snippet......IRAQ This is so scary. I can hardly wrap my mind around this stuff.

    Two more states, Florida and Mississippi, have been added for the exercises that will include ‘surgical strikes’ and ‘extractions’ according to a news conference addressing Jade Helm 15. Just what does extraction mean, taking people from their homes like the military does in other countries….

    From reports Jade Helm is a challenging (for the the neighbors they invade and were not invited by the people that live there) eight-week joint military and Interagency (IA) Unconventional Warfare (UW) exercise conducted throughout Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado,” according to an unclassified military document announcing the training drill.

    Multiple branches of the US military, including Green Berets, Navy Seals, and the 82nd Airborne Division, will participate in the 8-week long exercise, which may result in “increased aircraft in the area at night….


  3. Make sure you give this radio interview about Jade Helm a good listen:
