Wednesday, March 4, 2015


On a previous comment there was one angry momma over my stabs at the pro-vaxx crowd.

I have nothing against the medical field.  Some of the finest people I know are in it - however, I think it (and pharmaceuticals) are one of the most corrupt sectors of our economy (fallen world) that I can think of other than politicians and banksters.

If it were not for some in the medical field, we would not have many babies delivered properly and my son's hand would not have been operated on successfully.  Nor my father's eyes back in the 1940's when plastic and eye surgery were just nascent.

However, the system (not necessarily the docs/nurses, etc) is set up to guarantee return visits that are required to treat symptoms instead of root cause.  The system glorifies the "religion of science" instead of giving glory to the Creator of all life.  That is where my beef lies.  The only honest core in that field have been the naturopaths and a few others that are more wholistic in their approach - attacking the root cause of the symptom and not just effectively throwing band-aids on the boo-boos with the expectation of return visits from the deals.

And I have not even jumped into the faith over works debate.  If Jesus can spit in some clay and put it over a blind man's eyes and restore his sight, could it be that I might be able to do the same since I hold the exact same Priesthood?  I say yes - if I had sufficient faith.  Indeed YES!  My faith may be lacking somewhat, but I do know that my best man (wedding) had his foot completely healed from cancer due to his faith and my faith as I declared his body be made whole, through the instrumentality of Jesus Christ.  He is one of the few people that I laid my hands on who I knew had the faith to be healed.  Sure beat the alternative amputation....  The other miraculous healings I have seen have been with animals.  Most of them simply have faith and are in tune with God (little sin in the animal world due to them not being under as much condemnation due to less of the laws of heaven in their lives).

So, other than setting bones and delivering babies (and even then.....), do we really need docs?  Prolly not so much......  But, we as a people, have become dependent upon babylon for our welfare and lean almost not to God in anything.  We have become lazy.  It is much easier to make a quick phone call to the the doc and pharmacist, instead of maintaining a supernal level our own faith and worthiness (in the case of both the receiver and the giver of the blessing).  Am I not right?  Examine yourself and you will find that this is correct thinking.

Part of the miracle that will occur in the struggles that will come is that there will be no doctor or medical supplies (to the extent that there is now), and we will simply have to rely on God for once - and our suffering will make us complete.  As difficult as things are, they are for our benefit.  I found that out when we lost our son and then my wife began to suffer from the stress of that event.  It has been a refining event.  In our coming extremity, we will become acquainted with our Maker in ways we cannot begin to fathom.  Those from the Martin and Willey Handcart Company will want to shake many hands of those who pass through what is coming.  It will be nothing close to the Atonement, but nothing before or since that event will have been exceeded.

1 comment:

  1. M.D. gets medical degree, license to "practice medicine". Practice medicine? Does that mean when a patient comes in, you get symptoms, order tests/labs, get results, and then prescribe the latest Big Pharm drug the sales rep came in to tell you about? AND if the Big Pharm Sales Rep milky nipple disappeared and a patient came in with problems requiring internal medicine, then WHAT could you, big shot M.D., do to help them as far as "practicing medicine" goes? NOTHING, NADA, ZIPPO! You're helpless without the secret combination that is Big Pharmaceutical Company racket.

    And, of course you know, the latest law firm will be on t.v. telling said patient they may be entitled to compensation due to horrible side effects/death from using said drugs. Did you tell the patient you have no freakin' clue how to deal with a virus?

    How about that Superbugs are killing people because pathogens exchange history information when they bump into each other on how to become resistant to the antibiotics used against them and that science can't keep up with the emerging strains?

    Did you tell them how Samuel Thomson (9 February 1769 – 5 October 1843) a self taught herbalist/botanist was so successful treating patients so called "doctors" like you couldn't cure that you conspired against him to corner the market on "practicing medicine" because you're to lazy and closed minded to consider plants/oils that God gave us to cure diseases? Do you know about Priddy Meeks, Mormon herbalist who had no education was doing the same thing and that ones like you actually tried to kill him because he was using Thomsonian medicinal cures to heal your patients you said were a lost cause? Did you know that an angelic messenger visited him and told him to return to his patient and give him more of the remedy he used because he would die without it? ANGELIC MESSENGER. Look him up. He kept company with the likes of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and Heber C. Kimball.

    While I agree modern medicine has made leaps and bounds under God's inspiration and thank God for gifted surgeons, what I don't agree with is your arrogance against alternative medicine that heals the body of pathogens without the side affects of the drugs you prescribe. You should be joining hands with them and looking to them for answers in some cases ESPECIALLY given the fact that you have no damned idea how to cure a virus.

    Ever looked up the virtues of GARLIC?

    Get off your high horse cuz guess what? If you find yourself in a camp with the peasants. You may get latrine duty while the herbalist is called upon to administer plants/oils you have no idea how to use with skill and faith. You may be helpful identifying a condition but now you're dismissed to go scrub the toilet.
