Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Very interesting.  I actually ran the numbers in a date/time calculator on google and sure enough....

I have felt a deafening silence since the prophetic days of Ezra Taft Benson - very little terse warning has been given (from heaven) as the world has descended into utter spiritual chaos.  This would at least potentially explain why.  ETB was one of the old guard who did not mince words along with McConkie, N. Eldon Tanner and many others.  After his ministration, there was a marked push to come across as kinder/gentler "let's all get along", more koombiastic in nature. 

I have seen parenting fails and those who try to be friends with the ones they are parenting often fail.  The children often end up in a malaise and often suffer from "failure to launch" (depending on the personality).  Where the parents have been loving - but firm in their approach - the children often are able to fledge and then fly without too many inputs.  Where coddling or "helicoptering" has occurred, the children are often weak and suffer failures upon launch. 

Such is what we seem to have in the Church today - spiritually anemic "children" who are blown about with every wind of doctrine and who have to be assigned sermon topics from an Ensign article because of the lack of doctrinal fortitude.  In the old days as missionaries, you were put on a boat with a return ticket three years later and you were pretty much on your own.  Without international banks to whisk funds to you (it often ended up being without purse nor scrip), cars and so much else, you pretty much HAD to rely on the Spirit to be your guide and it became an adventure from start to finish.  Now, we are coddled and babied all the way along.  This makes for weak adults and weak leaders who do not know how to operate by the Spirit and cave under the first hint of pressure.  I have been reading in the four gospels and now Acts - those guys were total missionary studs.  If you did not get at least one stint in prison or have a good old fashioned stoning under your belt, you missed the boat and did something wrong.

So, we have just been given pretty much the "faith, hope charity" diet for the last 20 years and it has been extremely difficult for me to see and experience.  Possibly, this is the reason - and I have to say that I am definitely curious to see what will happen on March 20, 2015 if there is anything to the mad ravings of this date:

Many of you are aware of the March 20th solar eclipse that falls in the middle of the blood moon tetrad. (For those who don't, I've attached a link).
HOWEVER! Here is an addition that only latter-day saints can make:
We know from Rev 8:1 and D&C 88:95 that there will be silence in the heavens for the space of a half hour after the opening of the seventh seal;
We know from 2 Pet 3:8 and Abr 3:4 that one day to God is a thousand to earth, therefore a half hour = 20 years and 304 days;
President Ezra Taft Benson, who was very outspoken on the Constitution, the failings of governments and man's accountability to keep America as a covenant land, passed away on May 30, 1994, exactly 20 years and 304 days before March 20, 2015. COINCIDENCE?
The total solar eclipse on March 20th falls on Nisan 1, which is the first day of the first month of the Biblical calendar. According to Jewish tradition, a solar eclipse on...

Notice that the partial eclipse of 9/13 occurs on 29 Elul which is the date that the stock market is supposed to melt down, per Rabbi Jonathan Cahn of "The Harbinger" fame.  I have to say, I am quite intrigued by it all!


  1. The assumption then is that the seventh seal has opened. Not so sure about that.

    It's definitely intriguing but I'm positive that there would be some word from the Brethren that the seventh seal had opened. It's just waaaay to important for them to gloss over for 21 years.

    1. Agreed - if you simply read Revelations and D&C you would know that there are many 6th seal events that have not taken place yet. But from what I hear many early saints and many of our older parents believed the 2nd coming was near many many years ago, so I guess we never do learn from our own history...

  2. Check your math. I get March 30th, 2015 as 20 years, 304 days since 30 May 1994.

  3. Maybe I had started my ETB calculator too soon. Wasn't he hospitalized and unable to attend conference for several years?

  4. Impact of Solar Eclipse means a kind of suspension of or obstruction to natural energy to the Earth for a period the eclipse begins to the end, which process does not usually last more than couple of hours at the most. But it can be imagined that the couple of hours phenomenon takes lot of time to come to the effective stage astronomers identify as solar eclipse or lunar eclipse. It is believed that the natural energy flowing from the Sun keeps beings alive on Earth. So the impact of solar eclipse on 20 March 2015 would obviously plunge countries or regions into darkness wherever it is visible. This time it is Europe and some other regions where the eclipse would be visible. So whatever is dependent upon solar energy directly could be affected. Man made energy seems to be a different thing and perhaps may not be affected.
    But there are messages from unseen powers people call spiritual. The total solar eclipse happens to be in the last sign Pisces of the zodiac, the sign that follows being a great fighter Aries. Planetary influences through Saturn , Mars and South Node of the Moon flowing to the Earth , as per astrology, seem to be trending to weaken the strong at vulnerable places. These in combination with solar eclipse could be construed to mean a difficult time ahead this year in some parts of globe

  5. I did some looking and noted that Enoch's lament of his kindred about to be destroyed in the deluge caused silence to reign in the heavens. Then in D&C it says all eternity is pained and silence reigns AND the angels are awaiting to reap out the tares. And it seems the half hour of silence may be the time judgment is passed right before the earth is burned before renewal. Just trying to correlate if hosts of Heaven are pained because rejoicing is ceased for a time due to the darkness/destruction that has occurred and will occur.

    Some of this stuff makes my head hurt when I think to hard about it!

    And once again, we should make sure we thank IRAQ for this site. I've yet to see another that compares to the depth of it with current events and spiritual insight/encouragement that's shared. THANK YOU!!!!
