Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Sounds solid to me:

This is Why the U.S. Wants ASSAD of SYRIA Gone
The reason Assad has been unjustly vilified is because Qatar wants a natural gas pipeline to run through the Arabian peninsula, through Jordan, through SYRIA, to Turkey. From Turkey, it can connect with existing pipelines to Europe, in order to supply Europe with natural gas.

This proposed pipeline would threaten Russia economically, as Russia currently supplies Europe with natural gas.

Syria and Russia are allies. Thus, Assad said "No" to the proposed Qatar-Turkey pipeline that would run through Syria.

Next thing you know, there's an "uprising" in Syria, and Assad is public enemy number one.

And when it became clear that the American public did not want another war (potentially with Syria) and Putin diplomatically stymied potential U.S. aggression against Syria, "ISIS" suddenly pops up out of nowhere, with funding, arms, supplies, logistics, etc.

Fancy that!

The U.S. hates that Russia supplies Europe with energy (natural gas). It's U.S. policy to isolate and surround Russia.

Isolating Russia involves preventing, halting, or stopping the spread of Russia doing business past its borders as much as possible; particularly with Europe, which the U.S. regards as its turf. Russia's natural gas supply to Europe has been a thorn in the U.S. side for some years now.


  1. Sooo....are you implying that the U.S. government is secretly supporting ISIS, perhaps even created it??! That would be secret combinations to the third degree, wouldn't it? I guess I shouldn't be surprised at any possibility in this world. The way our prez has turned a blind eye to ISIS would certainly support this idea.....

  2. ISIS was supported, either directly, or indirectly, by Obama, as well as by Bush before that when it was known as ISI and before that AQI.

    There was no Al Qaeda in Iraq previous to our invading and ousting Saddam. We ousted him because Saddam offered to pay for oil in EUROS. The United States didn't appreciate that attack on the petrodollar so we invaded.

    Later on we find AQI, headed by Zarqawi. Then it becomes Islamic State in Iraq, which is almost destroyed by the local Sunni Muslims for being too extreme. This happened during the surge in 2007.

    Fast forward a few more years. Qaddafi in Libya plans on creating a gold-based DINAR, which by the way supports Islamic financial principles, coupled with a silver backed DIRHAM. The USA doesn't really like that idea too much so we topple Qaddafi in 2011.

    In Nigeria a group known as BOKO HARAM "Western Education is illegal" forms and starts slaughtering thousands of civilians who were Christians and Muslims not in agreement with their extremist ideology. They continue to slaughter many people but are summarily ignored in the media. Why? "Nobody cares about Africa." And the oil region of Nigeria is outside of the combat zone.

    Now, back to Iraq and Syria. In 2010, a plan comes out for a pipeline to Europe through Turkey. It would pass through Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Syria. Syria was the obstacle given that Bashar al Assad is an Alawite Muslim. His brand of Islam is closer to the Shia variety which is practiced in Iran. Naturally the two are allies. Naturally Russia is an ally to Syria as their Mediterranean naval base is there.

    Bashar says no to the pipeline. Qatar starts funding the rebels in a civil war there, many of them Nusras and the previously defunct ISI group now renamed ISIS.

    The United States steps in saying that Assad is committing genocide and tries to invade, but Russia outmaneuvers them. They send more arms and funding to the rebels, which are now coalescing into ISIS.

    I try to explain that to the überliberal KMCopeland on LDS Freedom Forum, but to no avail. Obama is the savior to him, and he says that Russians would kill and die to get a leader like Obama. According to him not a single piece of equipment is American made but was stolen from the Iraqi army.

    So now we have four years later ISIS making gains in Iraq and Syria. In addition, they are present in Libya and Nigeria.

    One thing that is not now said is that Turkey has fallen silent on the matter of Isis. Because here Russia basically told Turkey if we send South Stream through you guys, we will give you a discounted price. So now, Russia is building a pipeline through Turkey, Greece, FYROM, Serbia, and Hungary to get to Austria.

    There is ALWAYS some ulterior motive to these political situation. NOT ONE GOVERNMENT is clean.

    1. This sure clears up a lot if it's for sure true. It really does make sense and shows how fast is the slippery slope we're on. Thanks for the breakdown that is precise and to the point.
