Saturday, February 14, 2015


I will go on record that I DO NOT have a testimony of Joseph F. Smith as a Prophet (with a capital P).  I can assure you, not a single person has ever heard me bear witness of him as efficacious in that role.  I am sure he was a good man - but not so sure about that role.

I agree with the following statement - except for the label of "trash":

This is why we don't believe the "White Horse Prophecy", because it is not true. The ridiculous story about the "red horse," and "the black horse," and "the white horse," and a lot of trash that has been circulated about and printed and sent around as a great revelation given by the Prophet Joseph Smith, is a matter that was gotten up, I understand, some ten years after the death of the Prophet Joseph Smith, by two of our brethren who put together some broken sentences from the Prophet that they may have-heard him utter from time to time, and formulated this so called revelation out of it, and it was never spoken by the prophet in the manner in which they have out it forth. It is simply false: that is all there is to it. (Joseph F. Smith, Conference Report, October 1918, p.58.)

I am quite certain it, as currently written, was never uttered in a cohesive, word for word fashion.  It however all most likely came from Joseph's mouth and the gist of it is not distorted.  To call it trash (to throw it ALL out without considering it's merits) is pure BULLSHIT!  Sorry - picturing a steaming pile of manure right here.  Right after that statement was made, a gleaming red light emerged from Russia and then China - that represents communism.  Also, in 1917 on the Jubilee year, the Turkish empire was broken into many pieces that created the mess we are in today (Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, etc) and that is black.  Look at the flags.  It fits perfectly with Deganawida's vision of the red, black and white snake and the George Washington Vision at Valley Forge that talked of the red and black forces overcoming America......  Sorry - the proof is clearly to the contrary, and I dismiss anyone who attempts to throw this thing completely out.  I also recognize that even the Lord's servants can make mistakes - sometimes, colossal mistakes.  But - they can STILL remain the Lord's servants.  I do not go around "popishly" declaring that those who lead this last dispensation are infallible.  Not even close.  God still allows all men their agency - and if they were perfect they would have healed 100% of the people they laid hands upon, been able to walk on water, see perfectly into the future, etc etc.  Did any of the above happen?  Nope!

Heck, when Joseph Smith allowed the 116 pages of manuscript to slip through his hands, I did not fault him.  I have made so many mistakes along the road in my life, that doing so would be ludicrous and hypocritical of me.  Yet, I hold him as one of the best mortals to grace this planet and I do not even begin to hold a candle to him.  On the flip side, there was a lot of stuff that happened shortly after 1890 that I am not proud of in Church history - where much was thrown under the proverbial bus by Church leaders.  I am not sure if it was peer pressure (the membership was moving away from such "banal" practices, etc), so the leadership threw those prior to themselves under the bus, or what was going on.  Suddenly, the gifts of prophecy, healing, talking in tongues, seeking the second comforter, etc simply became a thing of the past in our culture.  This shift makes me suspicious of the people and/or the leadership at that point.  That is where the shift came that caused people like John Koyle to get thrown under the bus for exercising his gift.  And oddly, just as with all we see coming about just as written, with the Whitehorse prophecy, much of what Koyle predicted is now here and we are in a mess.  The second (really big) depression is just about to break forth - just as predicted and we are in the middle of the biggest dry spell in 400 years in the SW, just as predicted - but stupid and blind people will STILL throw Koyle under the bus.

At the time that Koyle was being thrown under the bus, we had the guy who was sent down to shut him down, write an essay basically embracing evolution (full-on Darwinism) and begin the slide from Godly belief and faith to secular humanism.  And we know where that has gone....  If I were to put the two side by side, I would take Koyle any day, over a "pre-eminent" "scientist".  The same people who probably lobbied to have hymn 323 picked out of the hymn book of the day because it was a little too salacious for their tastes.   I will go with anyone of faith over the intellectuals of the day, any time of the day under any circumstances.  Thankfully, we had leadership like David O. McKay and Spencer W. Kimball and ETB who acted in their prophetic roles - in the manner of those who I read about in the scriptures.  People who would rather take a rock to the head for having said what needs to be said, rather than try to suck up to the latest worldly trend.

We still have Isaiah 4:1 about ready to bust on the scene (when war utterly decimates the male population) and people like Mitt Romney and other idiots will STILL say that plural marriage was sick and twisted - throwing Joseph, Brigham and Jesus - not to mention Abraham and others under the bus along with the best being to grace this planet.  How arrogant can one get??  And this, in the face of impending massive calamity.  I just shake my head here as I type.  What are they going to do, lobby SLC with a few millions to see if Section 132 can be struck from the scrips?  NO THANKS.  I really struggle when I see this kind of stuff happening.

So forgive me.  I am a rabid conservative - and do NOT like change when I know that something is bedrock.  Marriage between men and women - REALLY bedrock to me.  NO chance or possibility for debate there.  When people attempt to throw Joseph Smith under the bus - when I know the "language" of the man because I have read just about anything I can get my hands on that was written in the first person - I get a little hot under the collar.  And I just say to myself - these chumps that dismiss this stuff are in for quite the ride.

Rant off - over and out.


  1. I feel a need to be another witness to what you said with one exception. I do have a testimony that Joseph F. Smith was a prophet with a capital P. Even prophets of God make huge mistakes and I know that his statement about the white horse prophecy was a huge mistake. The first time I ever heard the white horse prophecy was when I listened to “World War III God’s Judgments Upon the Nations” by Duane Crowther and I felt a confirmation that what was said was true. I have never doubted since—even when I read that the prophet denied the truth of the prophecy. I have read the white horse prophecy, bishop Koyle’s prophecies, Deganawida’s vision, and George Washington’s vision and had the same experience. The Spirit bore witness to all these events and He bore witness to what you wrote here.
    Last Sunday we had a fireside where the speaker said that he’s suspicious of people like Julie Rowe, Spencer, and Sarah Menet. He said he believes in personal revelation but unless it comes from the head honcho in Salt Lake City these visions should be kept personal. I strongly disagree! There are times when individuals are instructed of the Lord to publish their person revelations and his comments discount Joel 2:28. Doesn’t it stand to reason that at least some of the dreams and visions Joel prophesied about should be published to verify the veracity of scripture? Far more important than following the prophet is following the Spirit of the Lord. One of the things I admire about Julie Rowe is her refusal to tell more than she has permission to tell.

  2. Joseph F. Smith was a Prophet with a capital P, as were Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, on up through and including Thomas S. Monson. You are standing on thin ice, Mister.

  3. Joseph Smith said "I will give you one of the Keys of the mysteries of the Kingdom. It is an eternal principle, that has existed with God from all eternity: That man who rises up to condemn others, finding fault with the Church, saying that they are out of the way, while he himself is righteous, then know assuredly, that that man is in the high road to apostasy; and if he does not repent, will apostatize, as God lives."

  4. It sounds to me as though you are picking and choosing the Prophets you sustain. That is dangerous ground.
    Before you get upset, I will state openly the TWHP certainly appeals to me on many levels, and a person would have to be blind to not see a great deal of correlation between it and the world today. But it is entirely too easy to interpret anything we read and like in a manner that enables us to fit it into our paradigm.
    Hear is the Church's position as of 1/06/10:

    ""The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is politically neutral and does not endorse or promote any candidate, party or platform. Accordingly, we hope that the campaign practices of political candidates would not suggest that their candidacy is supported by or connected to the church.
    "The so-called 'White Horse Prophecy' is based on accounts that have not been substantiated by historical research and is not embraced as Church doctrine."

    So does this also discount the Prophet of that day(5 years ago)?

  5. I am sorry but I believe in all the Prophets called of God, just because you may disagree with something he said it does not make him less of a prophet than Joseph Smith or Thomas Monson and some of the language is very unnecessary to disagree with anyone for that matter. I normally enjoy your blog, I disagree with somethings but think you usually show some decorum, anger is of the devil and negative lashing out against a prophet gives him a front row seat here, please, behave????

  6. Thanks so much for the volume of work you have put on here over the past few days. I enjoy it very much.

    I will have to go with the Prophet on this one. As much as I want these second hand accounts to be true, if a Prophet and then an official Church statement says it is not true, I will have to defer to that.

    The GAS prophecy with the first non-European president is the one I really want to be true, but since it is a recollection of someone from when they were 11, I am pretty skeptical.

    I really hope to be one of the first casualties of the plagues, and I sure hope they start next year at the latest. Tomorrow would be better.

  7. I think you have gone off the rails as of late. I've noticed a feverish intensity in many of your recent posts which often ends up in an odd, maniacal rant. Now in this post you are openly stating that Joseph F. Smith was not a Prophet of God because you disagree with him on the White Horse Prophecy. Then comes the vulgar language that I really don't need or expect in and LDS blog. I think you need to really examine yourself. I have been following this blog for the last few years, but I think I'm done now. I wish you well.
