Tuesday, February 10, 2015


After Putin Warns "Arming Ukraine is Declaration of War" Britain Replies "We Reserve the Right to Arm Ukraine"

Folks, this thing just keeps on keepin on and getting hotter by the minute.  Joseph Smith said that when "Bear lays the paw on the Lion (England)", that the coming of the Lord was imminent.  Fits perfectly with what the Mp had to say.  I have to say, I am just on pins and needles, as of late.  Similar to how I was when I kept repeating over and over, "This nation will be humbled, this nation will be humbled" right before 911.  This stuff is serious as a heart attack:

As the West and Russia continue to dance their dangerous dance around the Ukraine situation, Britain has directly confronted Russia over the issue of anyone arming Ukraine.

Early this week, Russia announced that "arming Ukraine would be considered a declaration of war against Russia." Tuesday, the British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond told parliament "Britain reserves the right to arm Ukraine."

There we have it. The lines are now drawn. Russia says "Don't" and Britain says "We have the right to. . ."

Anyone with any intellect whatsoever, sees where this is going: Full scale war in Europe.

Sadly, the U.S. will be dragged into it because Russia knows the U.S. is the backbone of Europe/NATO and it is widely believed that Russia would take steps to "neutralize" the US prior to going into all-out wart in Europe.

Once Russia makes such an effort, the US will respond with force. World War 3.

God, in Heaven, protect us from these vicious people.

[link to www.france24.com]


  1. The role of the U.S. will be zero as long as Obama is in office - which means at least two more years. Europe has long ignored the signs of coming peril - ie: allowing unfettered immigration - especially those of Muslim background. America has become as a "toothless lion" - not because of the lack of intelligent military leadership, rather because everyone's hands are either tied or wringing - rather than stop a rouge reckless, feckless solipsistic president. The setting is very serious - but I don't see America coming to anyone's rescue for a long time - at least not at the level of the presidency or Congress.

  2. Unfortunately, as is spoken in the scriptures, "I will put hooks into thy jaws". Ezekiel 37:4 and Isaiah 37:29.

    The arrogant Russians will think they have done a great and terrible thing to us. The Lord will be using them as a tool against the wicked. He will put hooks into their jaws and lead them around like a bull in a china shop destroying things. Then He will take them away.

    It behooves us to humble ourselves, call upon the Lord in mighty prayer and repent, get the Spirit of the Lord, and be led by Him every minute of the day doing His will, hearing HIS voice, obeying without hesitation in the smallest of things. That's what is considered a righteous individual by the Lord Jesus Christ. That is what is going to save us. Whether we live or die in His cause........WE WIN! Time to suit up in the Armor of God and testify with boldness of the TRUTH, holding nothing back. His way is the ONLY way!

    We can do this brothers and sisters! This is our time to prove ourselves! We're the class of 2015 right now. We can hold each other up, share what we have, and then when we run out, we'll all be in the same boat, totally humble, depending on our God for EVERYTHING. That's what makes a Zion people ready to receive Him. Pray to be led and guided.

    I was inspired to open up to 2 Chronicles 20 recently. The Lord PERSONALLY fighting a battle for the children of Israel. It brought tears to my eyes to envision all the families with their little ones gathered at the temple to ask the Lord for deliverance.

    Then I was led to read Psalm 119. These prayers of David to the Lord are powerful and we would do well to treasure them up.

    It is really effective to listen to them read via www.themormonchannel.com The man who narrates is awesome!

    I pray for these blessings of comfort for all reading this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

    I second your prayer brother, God help us all.
