Monday, February 16, 2015


Friday the 13th: You Are Not Going to Like This But You Need to Know

Fukushima. "Oh, is that still there?" Old news, right?


Although the mainstream media chooses to act as if Fukushima has come and gone, nothing, absolutely nothing, could be further from the truth. It is with us and will be with us forever unless we take appropriate action to protect ourselves, our future, our very planet. Such actions do exist and I will discuss them with you here but let's look at some facts first.

Here is a recent assay of the amount of Cesium 137 in mushroom gathered from a pristine location in Oregon which is NOT in the shadow of Handford Nuclear Reactor.

In case you are not familiar with such charts let me review it with you.

Cesium 137 does not occur in nature. Neither does Cesium 134. For that reason, they are used as absolute markers of nuclear reactor contamination since nothing else can explain their presence.

Therefore, the appropriate level of Cs 134 and 137 should, absent contamination, be 0.0.

Now, every laboratory test has a minimum detectible limit (MDC) below which something may be present but the test cannot show it.

Bear with me here. The results have a bearing on your life and future. For this lab, using these methods, the minimum detectible level of Cesium 134 is 0.217. The detected level (0.003) is far below that. The variation is +/- 0.121 so the highest level it might be is 0.124 and that is still below the limit of detection. OK. Cesium 134 is not a problem.

Cesium 137, however, is a far, far different matter.

The detected amount was a shocking, and frightening, radiation contamination level of 4.143. The lowest limit of detection at this lab is 0.197. The variation is +/- 0.695. That means that you can count on the real contamination level being between 3.448 and 4.838.

The correct and acceptable level for Cesium 137 is zero.

What does this mean for you? That the US and Canada are being continuously contaminated by Fukushima.

There is no safe dose of radiation.
Not where you live, not in Tokyo.

A friend of mine who keeps a close eye on these things (who lives by choice in low-radiation Chile, by the way, wrote this to me today: "The numbers coming out of Tokyo taken about a week ago are as high as 0.36 millisieverts. [1 microsievert [?Sv] = 0.001 millisievert [mSv]. 100 counts/minute = 1 microsievert. The US EPA level for population relocation is 214 counts per minute or 2.4 micorsieverts. .36 millisieverts =360 microseiverts - 3600 counts per minute - REL] Thus you do not want to be any where close to .36 milliservents and numerous places in Tokyo reach that level. Anywhere close to .36 millisieverts is extremely dangerous."

Those numbers are Fukushima numbers. The Oregon mushroom numbers are Fukushima numbers.

You may be tempted to say, "Well, actually, I never eat mushrooms so that is really not a problem for me."

v It is a problem for you because this level of contamination, anywhere from 17.5 to 24.55 the lower limit of detection.

What level of Cesium 137 is safe? 0.00.

So we have disastrously high levels of radiation in and around Tokyo, horrific levels of contamination in the soil from which our food comes and governments, including the US, Canada and Japan lying through their teeth about the situation and turning a blind eye, a deaf ear and a stupefyingly idiotic mind to the issue.

It's not as if there were no voices telling the truth on this issue. General Bert and our friend M. Murata, former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland, along with others, have repeatedly raised the warning. Just go to and search "Fukushima" -- you will find dozens of blog entries since 2011 by General Bert, Murata-san and myself detailing the risks; see, for example:

You cannot count on your government to tell you the truth most of the time. On this issue, you can NEVER count on your government to tell you the truth.

The EPA has been raising "acceptable" radiation levels by orders of magnitude until even they were embarrassed by their distortion of the science.

The Fraud and Death Administration stopped tracking radiation in fish from the Pacific (smart move, FDA, smart move) when Hilary Clinton, our then-Secretary of State, signed an accord with her opposite number in Japan to enhance trade by killing people.

Nice work, Hilary!

And then there was the ruling by the EPA that slag metal from Fukushima and other places of lethal contamination can be reused for consumer items like belt buckles and "silverware" (cooking utensils? probably) without notification or limitation. Splendid work, EPA, protecting us nicely!

What levels of radiation does your food contain if it is produced in the Western part of Mexico, the US and Canada?

Excellent question! If the government knows, it isn't telling.

What level of radiation does your food contain if it is produced in the Midwestern US and Canada?
Good question, once again!

And how about the food that grows in the Eastern part of Canada and the Eastern and Southeastern parts of the US? Excellent questions to which, absent your own Geiger counters, there are no answers.


So what can you do?

Well, first of all, I urge you to visit and take a look at the videos and the information there.

Studies show that nutrients like Resveratrol can actually help your body repair the DNA damage caused by ionizing radiation and return the body to normal structure and function.

While iodine loading helps the thyroid and other iodine sensitive tissues, it is a very partial measure which cannot be carried out safely for long using potassium iodide without serious risk.

On the other hand, North Atlantic seaweed from Maine, Iceland, Labrador, etc., is should be a safe source of biologically useful iodine without the dangers of pharmaceutical interventions like potassium iodide.

Next, you can stop eating anything that swims in the Northern Pacific. Anything. That means tuna, Pacific salmon and all other Northern Pacific fish. I do mean all. I love sushi as much as you do but I love not having cancer more.

You can also help to solve the problem at its root by rooting out the most dangerous form of energy production every devised: nuclear power.

All of the arguments for it are absurd. All of the arguments against it boil down to one word: radiation. There is no way to dispose of nuclear radiation safely. There are no safe nuclear power plants. None.

Anything else is either a delusion or a lie.

Tokyo is a death trap waiting for Olympic attendees and participants. Worse, it is a death trap for the people who live and work there.

As I wrote in my eBook, Radiation in America, which you can download here,, large segments of the US have been above the nuclear radiation evacuation level for years on end without any mention of it by officials or solutions to the problem.

That is because the ONLY solution is to decommission ALL nuclear reactors.

Take action here,, and share it with everyone who believes that they and their children have a right to a clean, inhabitable planet.

Share this information widely. Here is the permalink to this blog entry:

You and I are fighting for our lives, my friends. Since the very people who run the nuclear reactors would rather see us dead anyway, we are in a very serious contest. It remains to be seen whether their greed or our collective wisdom wins out.

The future hangs in the balance.

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

1 comment:

  1. As you know, I use essential oils a LOT for my own and my family's health. I knew there are some that help protect against cancer besides frankincense, so I've been looking for info for you. This article is on how rosemary essential oil can be used (and it is very affordable):
