Thursday, February 12, 2015


It is utterly astounding to me that we cannot find a single person who remembers bummer in his college, pot smokin days - but when they want to take down a guy and paint him into a corner, they can find all kinds of people talking bad about him like it was yesterday.....

This kind of stuff just smokes me!!  I wonder, if this Repub candidate would ever attempt to spend 10 million to cover up a dubious past like our shining star in the whorehouse did.  Wonder if we could do a little research into the background on his SSN and find anything that would surprise us.  Prolly not.....

This stuff fries me!  You can bet it will be Billary and Bushmaster III - the illuminati shoe-ins for the run if this country lasts that long.....:  I DESPISE corruption and the gads.  I can hardly harm a fly - but I would gladly have my way with some of these chumps - if I thought it would be pivotal or do any good.

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