Tuesday, January 13, 2015


I read this:
Below is an excerpt from "The Long Winter" by Laura Ingalls Wilder.

""What was that about seven big snows?" Almanzo asked. Pa told him. The Indian meant that every seventh winter was a hard winter and that at the end of three times seven years came the hardest winter of all. He had come to tell the white men that this coming winter was a twenty-first winter, that there would be seven months of blizzards".

The book "The Children's Blizzard" is an account by survivors of the blizzard of 1888 (the year "The Long Winter" was based on. Hundreds of people died across the plains, most of which were children trying to get home from school. The pdf is online and free in several places.

I got to thinking about the "long, hard winter" that many NDE'ers have spoken about.  Then I thought about the nasty blizzard in Buffalo this year in 2014.  I did the math.  2014-1888=126.  Then the division:  126/21=6.  Hmm.... seems to fit.

When I was a kid, I was out in Buffalo, NY area (on the Canadian side).  I nearly perished in that winter when the bus dropped me off in whiteout conditions as a 7 year old and I nearly got lost in it.  I made it home on my own, but it scared the crap out of my mother.  I never went back to school for two weeks.  The drifts were so big that you could have parked a bus inside of them.  It was a kid's dream.  It was not quite on one of those seven year divisions, but it was close.  I will never forget that winter.  My mom announced to my dad that she was leaving to move the family back out to the Seattle area after that.  Too much snow.....

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