Friday, July 18, 2014


I got the following comment - and it was probably sincere and well-meaning:
Iraq - why do you not go by your name as Roger K. Young, Chris Parrot and Sarah Menet do? It's a little more meaningful to know exactly who is giving their opinion and counsel to.
 I can assure you that those who have met me are probably not impressed in the least.  I am just a jovial, over-weight, bumbling fool.  I am not polished.  I do not dress well.  In fact, I am sitting here at work in an un-tucked grey t-shirt with blue denim shorts and $16 Costco tennis shoes.  Pathetic, really.  I do not put much effort into outward appearances because I think that is foolishness.  I am not slobbish - just would rather put more effort into content than cover.  I drive a car with peeling paint (and most are 15-25 years old).  I still rent as a 46 year old.  I gave up on trying to run on the treadmill because I realized some time ago that all the shiny facade and glitzy glamour will all be rusted and moth-eaten one day and that NONE of it will matter.  The only thing that will matter is what we did with our lives for good in serving our families and then each other - and did we follow the counsel of the Prophet.  Instead of the glitzy vacations and big screen theatre rooms, we have a room in the basement stuffed silly with food and water.  My older kids howl incessantly for not having what everyone else has.  They will get it one day.  I told them that those that have precisely what we have will one day live like kings compared to the fools who squandered their opportunities away.  Yet, we will starve with them because we will yet be compelled to share out of pity and compassion.  Thus the reason for this blog - to try and reduce future suffering as people are shaken awake.

All else shortly will be meaningless.  Utterly meaningless.  Our cars will fail, our homes will be knocked off their foundations, our country will be in ruin, our retirements and pensions failed, our leaders corrupted and not to be trusted, nor followed.  All will fail - except for our faith and allegiance in Christ.  It will be this way by design - to bring those that remain, to a solid belief and foundation based on our Savior.

So, I remain in anonymity for that and so many other reasons.  I would not pass muster as a respectable man by the world's standards - and that is how most of the best of us still choose to judge in this fallen and imperfect world.


  1. You are very wise to keep your identity secret. Those who do not agree with you would try to get to your boss, your bishop, your stake president and anyone with whom you do business for the purpose of destroying you. Keep up the good work in the safety of anonymity.

  2. Why would you be afraid they would try to get to your bishop or stake president??? Are you doing something wrong? Hmmmmmm......
