Friday, June 27, 2014


Because the secret combos have gotten above us.  And I am not talking about someone in the McD's food development lab holding a new happy meal above their heads....

It is something that has been from the beginning.  In one of the current incarnations of Cain's first rebellion, the new initiates of the "Skull and Bones" club, which include John Kerry and George Bush, they have to climb into a coffin naked and masturbate while telling the rest of the "brethren" about their previous sexual exploits.  I am sure it is filmed these days.  I am sure this seals the deal and the newly initiated person then has to do as he is told - or face the humiliation of that information becoming public.  Sick - just sick.  And I am not making any of this stuff up.

Here is an article from a blog follower and FB friend:

  This is from the book "There are Save Two Churches Only" and from the chapter THE ORIGIN OF attention to everything which I put here in PURPLE.  Scriptures in BLUE.  Attention getters in bold and red.

“Beneath the broad tide of human history there flow the stealthy undercurrents of the secret societies, which frequently determine in the depths the changes that take place upon the surface. These societies have existed in all ages and among all nations, and tradition has invariably ascribed to them the possession of important knowledge in the religious[,] scientific or political order according to the various character of their pretensions.”

 It was said long ago in a certain garden, by the devil himself, "I will buy up armies and navies, false priests that oppress, and tyrants that rage with blood and horror on this earth".

In order to fathom the scope, reach and origin of the devil’s kingdom today, it is critical to understand at what point it was founded and how it flourished. Fortunately, the Lord revealed to Joseph Smith these foundations, which are canonized in The Pearl of Great Price. The fifth chapter of the Book of Moses covers these matters.
However, from the outset, it is important to touch upon how the term “know” is used Biblically, and thus in the Pearl of Great Price as well. The original Hebrew word in the Bible is pronounced “yaw-daw.” According to Gesenius’ Lexicon of Hebrew and Chaldee, this Hebrew word is the root of the sense of “seeing” in Greek, Latin, German, Slavic, English, Sanskrit, nearly every other Indo-European language. In Hebrew it is used to express a variety of manners of familiarity or interaction, depending upon context. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance lays out dozens of ways in which the Hebrew equivalent of “know” as used in Biblical records can be translated into English; some of the definitions include: acknowledge, answer, be aware, comprehend, discern, discover, familiar friend, lie by man (i.e. a male’s sexual interaction), have knowledge, make known, teach, tell, and understand. Essentially, “to know” in Hebrew is not only a status of comprehension, as is most commonly used in English (i.e. “I know about that”), it is also used to describe action, as in to discover, to teach, to interact. Additionally, it is also applied as a metaphor for male sexual activity. The reader needs to keep this in mind when reviewing quoted segments from the fifth chapter of the Book of Moses. All emphasis is added.
Verse 2:
“And Adam knew his wife, and she bare unto him sons and daughters, and they began to multiply and to replenish the earth.”
This is a contextually obvious usage of the verb “know,” plainly demonstrating the term being applied in reference to the male sexual act. Adam “knew” his wife and she became impregnated, thus they gave birth to many children.
Verses 16 and 18:
“And Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bare Cain, and said: I have gotten a man from the Lord; wherefore he may not reject his words. But behold, Cain hearkened not, saying: Who is the Lord that I should know him?… And Cain loved Satan more than God.”
These verses make it known unto us that Cain, from birth, was inclined to not hearken to the word of the Lord. He seemed to hold an attitude of contempt, as demonstrated in his words “Who is the Lord that I should know him?” In Cain’s response, the word “know” is contextually ascertained to mean seek, discover, or desire interaction with. Additionally, as Cain became acquainted with Satan, he chose to love him more than God.
Verses 18 to 21:
“And Satan commanded [Cain], saying: Make an offering unto the Lord. And in process of time it came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock, and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel, and to his offering; But unto Cain, and to his offering, he had not respect. Now Satan knew this, and it pleased him. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.”
Cain was told by Satan to make an offering to the Lord. It is implied that Cain was fully educated from childhood about everything that is required to offer sacrifice — that a pure lamb must be offered. With Cain being a “tiller of the ground” (i.e. a farmer), he would be required to obtain a lamb from his brother to properly offer sacrifice to the Lord. Likely, he would need to trade some of the “fruit of the ground” that he had harvested with one of his brothers who raised sheep in order to get a lamb to offer sacrifice. This is what would be required in order to keep the ordinance, and perform it properly, as the Lord taught it to Adam and his posterity. However, Cain — apparently lacking any faith in the Lord, and lacking respect for the preciseness in which the ordinances needed to be performed — decided to place a portion of his harvest on the alter as an offering.
The scriptures do not clarify how the Lord made it known whether someone’s offerings were accepted or rejected, but apparently Cain was infuriated that his was “not respect[ed]” by the Lord — despite Cain comprehending that he did not perform the ordinance of sacrifice correctly.
Verses 22 to 26:
“And the Lord said unto Cain: Why art thou wroth? Why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest well, thou shalt be accepted. And if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door, and Satan desireth to have thee; and except thou shalt hearken unto my commandments, I will deliver thee up, and it shall be unto thee according to his desire. And thou shalt rule over him; For from this time forth thou shalt be the father of his lies; thou shalt be called Perdition; for thou wast also before the world.
“And it shall be said in time to come—That these abominations were had from Cain; for he rejected the greater counsel which was had from God; and this is a cursing which I will put upon thee, except thou repent. And Cain was wroth, and listened not any more to the voice of the Lord, neither to Abel, his brother, who walked in holiness before the Lord.”
The Lord somehow confronted Cain directly, likely in an unmistakable voice to his mind, as the phrase “listened… to the voice of the Lord” alludes. The Lord harshly and clearly warned Cain of the consequences of the path that he was currently on. The following was destined to occur if Cain would not repent:
  1. The Lord would deliver Cain to Satan, who was very anxious to use him.
  2. Although Cain could rule over Satan (due to Cain having a physical body), he would also be forever manipulated by Satan: “it shall be unto [Cain] according to [Satan’s] desire.” Cain would thereafter be the progenitor of Satan’s lies.
  3. Cain will be called “Perdition” — the first of those who rejected their testimony of God after being given an overwhelming knowledge and understanding of Him and eternal matters.
  4. Abominations that spring forth, continue and persist in the world will have their root in Cain.
Cain held onto his anger and pride instead of hearkening to the voice of the Lord, or anyone else for that matter. Satan anticipated all of this, which is why he commanded Cain to make an offering to the Lord in the first place — he knew Cain would perform it wrong and it would be rejected. Satan was then able to manipulate Cain by stoking his anger, pride and other hurt feelings.
Many Christians and LDS are well-versed in these matters, for it is frequently discussed as part of the Adam and Eve story. However, the next parts are often glossed over, not contemplated deeply, or sometimes completely ignored.
Verses 27 and 28:
“And Adam and his wife mourned before the Lord, because of Cain and his brethren. And it came to pass that Cain took one of his brothers’ daughters to wife, and they loved Satan more than God.”
Adam and Eve mourned “Cain and his brethren.” Adam and Eve had many children; Cain was merely one of the older ones. Cain had caused, and was the leader of, a rebellion of a portion of his brothers and sisters against their parents. This was a sizable group of individuals, not just Cain and a handful of others.

Cain couldn't have done all of this by himself; he needed extra help.  He got it from his brothers.

Verses 29 and 30:
“And Satan said unto Cain: Swear unto me by thy throat, and if thou tell it thou shalt die; and swear thy brethren by their heads, and by the living God, that they tell it not; for if they tell it, they shall surely die; and this that thy father may not know it; and this day I will deliver thy brother Abel into thine hands. And Satan sware unto Cain that he would do according to his commandsAnd all these things were done in secret.”
Here it is: the origin of conspiracy. Not only is the first secret combination introduced, but also the manner of its oaths — within the LDS Church’s canonized scripture.
Consider carefully what Satan said to Cain: “Swear unto me by thy throat, and if thou tell it thou shalt die.” Cain covenanted and bound himself to Satan — or “sold his soul” as it is often referred to in today’s vernacular. Also, consider the severity of the price of breaking that oath — if Cain were to disclose this oath, he would die.
What did Cain get in exchange for this? “Satan sware unto Cain that he would do according to his commands.” Imagine for a moment what must have gone through Cain’s mind: “Let’s see here. I promise my soul to this amazing, appealing, flattering, accommodating, powerful, brilliant being of light — and in exchange he’ll do anything I tell him to do. I fail to see a downside to this.”
Consider the similarity of this is to the concept of Aladdin and the genie of the lamp: a powerful, magnificent ethereal being, bound to its master to obey his every command. Fictional retellings genies in lamps were likely inspired by actual occult practices of making oaths with demonic forces — of promising one’s soul in exchange for worldly wishes. This subject will be brought up again later in this book.
All who joined in Cain’s conspiracy with Satan, becoming members of this secret combination, swore and bound themselves to Cain by their own heads. Each of their heads was offered to Cain in order to be a part of the conspiracy. They were additionally bound by blaspheming (rejecting) the Lord, “the living God.” If they divulged the secrets or the acts of this combination a death sentence was to be immediately carried out, probably by decapitation as per the oath being “by their heads.” They primarily desired to keep their secrets from the knowledge of Adam, and the sons and daughters of his who hearkened unto him.
Verses 31 to 33:
“And Cain said: Truly I am Mahan, the master of this great secret, that I may murder and get gain. Wherefore Cain was called Master Mahan, and he gloried in his wickedness. And Cain went into the field, and Cain talked with Abel, his brother. And it came to pass that while they were in the field, Cain rose up against Abel, his brother, and slew him. And Cain gloried in that which he had done, saying: I am free; surely the flocks of my brother falleth into my hands.”
The first nefarious motive resulting from this conspiratorial allegiance was to murder Abel without suffering from the just consequences. Instead of suffering for the murder of his brother, Cain’s worldly situation would flourish. Abel’s property and possessions would be claimed by Cain after his brother’s death.
Cain was so thrilled with the concept of enriching one’s self through conspiratorial methods of evading justice for unjust deeds, including murder, that he titled himself “Mahan,” meaning the master of secret works. Cain even gloried in the murder of Abel. Immediately after the slaying, he declared “I am free!” Abel’s murder was the culminating event that dispelled his inherent conscience — the Light of Christ which is infused in all men from birth. He rejoiced in being “free” of the divinely-provided senses of empathy, remorse and moral guilt. He celebrated its banishment.
Verses 34 to 38:
“And the Lord said unto Cain: Where is Abel, thy brother? And he said: I know not. Am I my brother’s keeper? And the Lord said: What hast thou done? The voice of thy brother’s blood cries unto me from the ground. And now thou shalt be cursed from the earth which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand. When thou tillest the ground it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength. A fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
“And Cain said unto the Lord: Satan tempted me because of my brother’s flocks. And I was wroth also; for his offering thou didst accept and not mine; my punishment is greater than I can bear.”
Many are familiar with this, especially Cain’s deflection of “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Cain cleverly (in his own mind) deflected the Lord’s inquiry with another question — attempting to change direction of the conversation. As discussed later in this book, this is a common manipulation tactic used today, especially in legal matters, in debates, etc. It’s often used in avoiding confessing, outright lying or to avoid committing perjury.
Instead of confessing, Cain attempts to lay the blame on Satan’s temptations, and on the Lord rejecting his offering. Then he complains that his punishment is too great, despite the Lord’s previous warnings to him of what would happen.
Verses 39 and 40:
“[Cain said] Behold thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the Lord, and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that he that findeth me will slay me, because of mine iniquities, for these things are not hid from the Lord.
“And I the Lord said unto him: Whosoever slayeth thee, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And I the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. And Cain was shut out from the presence of the Lord, and with his wife and many of his brethren dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.”
Cain’s punishment was interesting to say the least. Apparently from this moment on, Cain was unable to die. When the Lord banished Cain from his presence, He caused that Cain could not die — he would be forced to wander the earth as “a fugitive and a vagabond” — and to this day he still exists on the earth in the flesh.
There are a number of LDS who feel that Cain still being alive is merely an erroneous speculation — that he is as dead as any other person who has lived and died. However, interpretation of Cain’s punishment being unable to die is confirmed in LDS Church President Spencer W. Kimball’s influential book The Miracle of Forgiveness:
“On the sad character Cain, an interesting story comes to us from Lycurgus A. Wilson’s book on the life of David W. Patten. From the book I quote an extract from a letter by Abraham O. Smoot giving his recollection of David Patten’s account of meeting “a very remarkable person who had represented himself as being Cain.”
“As I was riding along the road on my mule I suddenly noticed a very strange personage walking beside me—. His head was about even with my shoulders as I sat in my saddle. He wore no clothing, but was covered with hair. His skin was very dark. I asked him where he dwelt and he replied that he had no home, that he was a wanderer in the earth and traveled to and fro. He said he was a very miserable creature, that he had earnestly sought death during his sojourn upon the earth, but that he could not die, and his mission was to destroy the souls of men. About the time he expressed himself thus, I rebuked him in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood, and commanded him to go hence, and he immediately departed out of my sight—”
This would suggest that Cain’s spirit is banned from entering Spirit Prison, forever barred from the post-mortal process of suffering and meting out transgressions not repented of. His body and spirit are fused together in corruption — something akin to an unglorified resurrection. It’s very likely that Cain’s physical situation is similar to the physical properties of how a vampire is perceived to be unable to die.
Denied even the lowest of glories, Cain’s imminent fate will be Outer Darkness. For now, he’s still “alive” and confined to the earth — actively perpetuating the plans and machinations of Lucifer, seeking the deception and destruction of mankind.
With Cain still being alive on the earth, both God and Satan have agents in the flesh that are not susceptible to death: God has John the Beloved and the Three Nephites, Satan has Cain. (And both may yet have others we are completely unaware of.) God creates, Satan imitates.
Later in the chapter, we are informed about Lamech. (Note: the “Enoch” that is mentioned is one of Cain’s sons, not the prophet Enoch whose city is taken up to the Lord hundreds of years later.)
Verses 49 and 50:
“For Lamech having entered into a covenant with Satan, after the manner of Cain, wherein he became Master Mahan, master of that great secret which was administered unto Cain by Satan; and Irad, the son of Enoch, having known their secret, began to reveal it unto the sons of Adam; Wherefore Lamech, being angry,slew him, not like unto Cain, his brother Abel, for the sake of getting gain, but he slew him for the oath’s sake.”
One of Cain’s grandsons, Irad, decided to break his oath and began revealing the existence of the conspiracy, even exposing the secrets of the organization, to the other sons of Adam — who, in all likelihood, were completely oblivious to this tremendous evil beforehand. Irad therefore was the first ever whistleblower. Whether or not anyone believed him, poor Irad also became the first recorded martyr for whistleblowing. He was not killed as part of a strategy to obtain wealth, power or manipulation, but because he had broken the oath of secrecy which he had made with his conspiratorial brethren.

Up to here, most of this stuff is well known by the average Mormon.  Some of this stuff is also known to the three main branches of Abrahamic religion, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  But here is where things REALLY get interesting.

Verse 51:
“For, from the days of Cain, there was a secret combination, and their works were in the dark, and they knew every man his brother.” 
Remember the Hebrew euphemism "to know" suggesting a male sexual act?  This is where this comes into play.  Many times in gangs an initiation right almost ALWAYS has to deal with murder or some sexual sin.  In the big secret combinations, it appears that homosexual relations are the ticket in.  For that reason, every man "knew his brother" in the combination.  More below:

Every secret combination initiate knew every other initiate. This phrase is not merely saying that they could tell each other apart from non-initiates. Consider the wording: Would the Lord feel it necessary to state that these men were aware of each other? Or that they sealed their dark works with a perversion of divine procreation?
Sodomy is a part of the oath and bond of the initiates of secret combinations. As a marriage covenant is consummated on the wedding night, so the initiation into Lucifer/Satan-bound secret organizations is sealed with the act of sodomy. God creates. Satan imitates. This verse reveals that the male homosexual act not only existed long before the vices of the city of Sodom and Gomorrah, but that from the start it was an integral aspect of secret society initiation.
If this seems too far fetched, refer to Genesis chapter 19 verses 4 through 8. Two angels visited Lot’s home in Sodom and Gomorrah (however, the Hebrew translation is “messengers”, so it’s likely that they were men sent on errand from God, or they were possibly angels appearing as normal humans) (emphasis added):
“… the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter: And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.
These influential men of the city of Sodom wished to “know” Lot’s visitors. By the context of Lot’s reaction, it is obvious that they intended to sodomize them.
Those who bind themselves to secret societies take an oath to do all in their power to protect each other from discovery and prosecution, as well as assisting each other in getting away with any manner of wickedness. The homosexual act is a consummation of that oath. Whether they are personally inclined to prefer intercourse with men, women or both, initiates express and strengthen their conspiratorial binding by engaging in homosexual intercourse with each other.
Ponder the implications: secret combinations are the origin of homosexual intercourse. It is one of the abominable fruits of their unholy alliance with each other. It is one of themultiple symptoms that creeps into the cultures they infect and infest. As in the powerful example of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, the prevalence of homosexuality or bisexuality in any given culture is in direct correlation to the power, influence and overall number of initiates which secret combinations have on that society.

Rome, Greece, the current Western Civilization, is quite infected with this.  Russia, China, and many countries in Africa, are trying to stamp it out of their countries.  Rome, once an empire, is just a city.  Greece, once an empire, though a country, is much smaller than before.  Russia and China, started out small and they are big and getting bigger.  America, started out small, became bigger, and like Greece and Rome, are fading.

Verses 52 and 55:
“Wherefore the Lord cursed Lamech, and his house, and all them that had covenanted with Satan; for they kept not the commandments of God, and it displeased God, and he ministered not unto them, and their works were abominations, and began to spread among all the sons of men. And it was among the sons of men….
“And thus the works of darkness began to prevail among all the sons of men.” 
Talmudic custom points precisely to homosexuality and even state-sanctioned homosexual marriage as the reason why God sent the Flood.  When everyone was infected with this, it was time to cleanse the earth by water.
Lucifer/Satan-covenanted conspiratorial combinations “began to spread among all the sons of men.” It spread secretly, being undetected by those who had not taken such oaths. These things did not occur here or there, or in remote areas — “it was among the sons of men… the works of darkness began to prevail among all the sons of men.”
Recall Doctrine and Covenants 123 (emphasis added):
“Therefore, that we should waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden things of darkness…. These should then be attended to with great earnestness. Let no man count them as small things; for there is much which lieth in futurity, pertaining to the saints, which depends upon these things.”

Awaken.  And be different than others.  Once we know these things we have to warn others to avoid these pernicious practices.  No wonder God hates the sin of homosexual relations so much.  It is a clear affront to His plan and the secret combos that rise up against Him and His work, use it as initiation.


  1. I have been reading and rereading There Are Save Two Churches Only because the information contained in it is astounding and highly relevant. It’s available at as a free e-book, a partial audiobook, or you can order a hard copy. I ordered the hard copy because I’m expecting that the electricity will be going out in the USA fairly shortly. I want to be able to explain why, how, and what the Gadianton’s did to take control of our country when people finally show an interest and the flames of liberty are again kindled in our promised land. For this reason I consider Two Churches one of the most important publications of our day.

  2. I glanced through the e-book and was impressed by the importance of it's message. One of the great ideas that is worked around is that the Two Churches can be both a mindset, and an organization. Just as the Lord's church is first and foremost a way of thinking, being, and doing (Rev 9:4 for example - anointing s) so is Lucifer's "Church." And both need a physical presence and administrators to help preserve their views of orthodoxy. Each has an active proselyting program and a message to appeal to an aspect of human nature - one toward the natural, self indulgent man; the other to the unnatural selfless and charitable man.
    With the recent conquest of the Presbyterians to embrace same sex "marriage" we are going to be even more isolated and vilified than ever before - and it will keep spiraling down the spiral staircase of the inferno. But, as we remain faithful and follow the prophet of the living God more and more good people will want to associate with,us and some will even join us. I feel sorrow for the members of the kingdom who will be too embarrassed by our lack of cultural awareness and "tolerance" and will choose to leave.
    The gads are getting excited, the sodomites are elated, and Lucifer is raging in the hearts of many. May we all have the strength to yield ourselves to the gentle enticings of the Holy Spirit and the voice of Jehovah.
