The Mp mentioned something that would happen around this time the end of May. I wonder if this is part of it. Once the US is out of the picture in the next three or four months, and Russia busts a move on W. Europe, people will more or less not oppose them (much like Germany and the people during the blitzkrieg as they moved east in WWII). As they are moving thru S. Germany, a larger meteor will hit the Bavarian region which will cause some considerable devastation. Apparently, this will be the test to see if our Mp buddy is on track. By then, prepping will be too late. Too little, too late for those that have not done the heavy lifting up front..... Mother Mary Shipton talked of the earth being hassled by celestial objects and because of it, people were "wearing perpetual frown". It will be interesting to see how this goes down.
Here is what I read that caught my attention:
I will try and dig up the original quote by the Mp.
I must have missed something--who is "the Mp"? I've searched through your recent posts but can't find anything about this person and what he said.