Monday, May 19, 2014


In case you missed it, this guy is dead - but they have brought back "the king" (of pedophiles....).

There is a crazy amount of new word odor in the set and of course the jack-boots dancing at the beginning of the act.  The devil is raging - and this is just part of what you are going to see in the future.  Look up project blue beam.  This will be part of the fakery that is coming.

Just wait for it.  Many will be deceived.  In order to avoid this, you will have to know how to discern the Spirit.  Plain and simple.


  1. The embedded link didn't work so I went to YouTube and watched a copy of the Jackson Holographic show from the Bill Board Music Awards. Very cool technology. While I'm a bit skeptical about the veracity of the project Blue Beam theorists I can see some practical applications of the hologram for good and ill. It's one good way to project the image of the beast or show forth wonders and fake miracles.
    Interesting times we live in.

  2. I was also not able to see the video from here, but, I was able to see it on The Drudge. I watched the video and I was amazed at how real it looked. I was also equally amazed at the reaction of the people. I noticed that some were crying and carrying on. Most were in complete awe and star struck, worshiping this idol that no longer exists in this realm. The whole thing made me sick. It was creepy for sure. I can very much see how this could be used to deceive the very elect if it were possible. Absolutely awful!!!!

  3. I really wish people would stop slinging insults at Michael Jackson. How is it that people still don't know they were LIED to about him. I am telling you right now that you were lied to. Ya'll were BRAINWASHED to believe Michael Jackson was guilty of something he wasn't. Anyway...the Hologram thing scares me. I mean they used his name enough to spread their lies while he was alive..what the heck wil be done with this???
